"The average person does not
inherently dislike work" (86)
"People are self-motivated
"People accept and seek
responsibility" (87)
They want "autonomy, mastery, and purpose" (Pink)
Assumptions about Leader's role
To work with and empower employees
Giving "guidance" and allowing employees to be a vital
part of process and empowering them in this way.
Work becomes meaningful.
More powerful motivation than financial reward (Pink)
To be "supportive" as employees
are "self-directed" (91)
"Stronger work
motivation and
creativity" (91)
Laissez-Faire Leadership
Assumptions about Employees
"ignore workers and their work motivations" (92)
Displays a
lack of
concern for
"stiffles" it
Result: "Without a sense of purpose
and direction, group members have
difficulty finding meaning in their
work; they become unmotivated and
disheartened...productivity goes
down" (92).
Assumptions about Leader's role
Feel no need to provide support, guidance, goals, or directions.
"minimal influence" (92)
Authoritarian Leadership Style
Negative side of Authoritarian Leadership
Style (Theory X)
Assupmtions about Employees
"People dislike work" (85)
"People need to be
directed and
controlled" (85)
"people want
security, not
Assumptions about Leader's
These leaders "perceive" that their
employees are "needing direction" (90).
Necessary to "motivate subordinates,
because these workers have little
self-motivation" (86)
Positive side of Authoritarian Leadership
Can "give direction and
clarity to people's
work...accomplish more in
a shorter period" (90).
Useful in new situations when employees need a lot of
direction, high stress situations, and other many
necessary situations (90-91).
"very efficient and
successful in motivating
others to accomplish
work (90).
Authoritarian leadership style is based on mostly on extrinsic motivators. While effective in the short
term, does not motivate as strongly, nor have the same effect as intrinsic motivators (Pink).
Northouse, P. (2009). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice
(3rd ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.
[Video file]. (2009, July). In TEDTalk The Puzzle of Motivation.
Retrieved October 11, 2016, from