Cells and Structure


9th grade Biology Mind Map on Cells and Structure, created by Luis Bautista on 11/10/2016.
Luis Bautista
Mind Map by Luis Bautista, updated more than 1 year ago
Luis Bautista
Created by Luis Bautista almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Cells and Structure
  1. Cells
    1. Prokaryote
      1. No Nucleus
        1. Simple
          1. Abundant
            1. Unicellular
              1. Cell Wall
                1. No Organelles
                  1. Are Bacteria
                  2. DNA
                    1. Eukaryotes
                      1. Nucleus
                        1. Organelles
                          1. Uni or Mutlicellular
                            1. Cytoskeleton
                              1. No Bacteria
                                1. Some Have Cilia
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