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Human Factors


Part 1 of human factors notes
Michelle Putter
Mind Map by Michelle Putter, updated more than 1 year ago
Michelle Putter
Created by Michelle Putter over 8 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Human Factors
  1. Psychology
    1. Study of human personality


      • Study of human personality
    2. Sociology
      1. Study of the history and nature of human society
      2. Influences on human behaviour
        1. Aptitude


          • The ability of an individual to undertake a task safely. Training and supervision = increased aptitude
          1. Motivation


            • The factors that influence an individual to behave in a certain way.
            1. Key theories MORE WORK NEEDED
              1. Frederick Winslow Taylor
                1. Improving industrial efficiency
                2. Mayo (Hawthorn Experiments)
                  1. Study of work groups 1927
                    1. Illumination and efficiency
                  2. Maslow (Hierarchy of needs)
                    1. 5 levels of human need - hierarchy
                    2. DC McClelland
                      1. Analysis of human need
                      2. Herzberg's two factor theory
                        1. Two distinct needs of individuals
                          1. Hygiene factors
                            1. Motivators
                          2. Douglas McGregor
                            1. Theory X and Theory Y
                              1. X - people are lazy
                                1. Self-motivated to work
                          3. Personality


                            • The combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character.
                            1. Main dimensions
                              1. Extrovert / introvert
                                1. Neurotic person
                                  1. How agreeable
                                    1. Conscientious
                                      1. Openness to experience
                                    2. Attitude


                                      • Reflects how a person thinks or believes about something. 
                                    3. Factors affecting behaviour
                                      1. Experience
                                        1. Social and cultural background
                                          1. Relates to Maslow's Hierarchy
                                          2. Education and Training
                                          3. Offline Processing
                                            1. Online Processing
                                              1. Decision as a work process is in operation
                                              2. Decision after consideration of a number of alternatives
                                              3. Knowledge, Rule and Skill Based Behaviour RASMUSSEN
                                                1. 3 levels of human error mechanisms
                                                  1. Skill based
                                                    1. Knowledge based
                                                      1. Chance of error - greatest
                                                      2. Rule based
                                                      3. Model modified by James Reason
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