A Dolls House


English Literature Mind Map on A Dolls House, created by YasmineG on 02/05/2013.
Mind Map by YasmineG, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by YasmineG over 11 years ago

Resource summary

A Dolls House
  1. Young Love
    1. you have never loved me. You have only thought it pleasant to be in love with me.
      1. implies that Helmer is the one that is naive.
      2. I have been your doll wife
        1. she is a puppet and he has been playing with her, showing their love isn't real
      3. restricted love
        1. A Dolls House
          1. title indicates the idea of supression
            1. controlling
            2. the tarantella dance
              1. she is still being controlled like a figurine in a music box
                1. this is juxtaposed with the fact that music is meant to be free-spirited
            3. familial love
              1. He called me his doll child
                1. lack of familial love throughout the play, Ibsens focus is on the lack of love in relationships
                2. and here the children have been my dolls
                  1. she doesnt love them, they have been mere play things, which suggests that history is repeating itself
                3. separation of lovers
                  1. I must stand quite alone
                    1. Nora's isolation, doesnt need to rely on her husband anymore.
                    2. the street door is slammed shut downsatirs
                      1. the end shows independance, she has broken the strings. Slammed is a violent word and emphasises the finality of the situation
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