An operator is a symbol that tells the computer to perform a specific action on the data and use and change it in a
particular way. The data on which it performs the action is called an operand.
Assigning values to variables
All variables have to be given or assigned a value. This is done in assignment statements. It is done differently in
different types of pseudocode.
Naming conventions
A commonly used convention is to use camel case (also known as CamelCase or camelCase) for compound
words. e.g. FirstName, LastName. Often the first word is given a lower case initial, e.g. firstName, lastName.
Adding comments to your code
When writing pseudocode it is a good idea to add comments to explain to others, and often to remind yourself,
what the code is intended to do. To separate these comments from the actual code, two forward slashes // or a #
is used.
Variables and choosing identifiers
variable can be changed and manipulated and changed as an algorithm is running. So that programmers can keep
track of variables, they are given names or identifiers
Pseudocode is a kind of step by step English for describing algorithms. It is a non-specific, code-like language that
can be easily translated into any programming language (e.g python,html etc).