7.1 - Dynamic Equilibrium


Chemistry HL (7 - Equilibrium) Mind Map on 7.1 - Dynamic Equilibrium, created by wondersnail on 24/03/2014.
Mind Map by wondersnail, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by wondersnail almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

7.1 - Dynamic Equilibrium
  1. Equilibrium- the rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the backward reaction
    1. I.e. when the gradients of both reactions in a concentration-time graph is zero and equal
    2. Dynamic
      1. The reaction has not stopped- both the forward reaction and backward reaction are still occuring
      2. Acheived in a closed system
        1. Since a closed system rpevent the exchange of matter from the surroundings, the reactants and products can react with each other only
        2. Concentrations remain constant
          1. Both reactants and products are produced and destroyed at an equal rate, so their concentrations do not change
          2. No change in macroscopic properties
            1. Observable properties such as colour and density do not change becahse they depend on the concentrations, which remain constant
            2. Can be reached from either direction
              1. That's why there are arrows from boths directions.
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