CALLA Approaches and Methods


ESL Approaches and Methodologies: CALLA
Candace Cooper
Mind Map by Candace Cooper, updated more than 1 year ago
Candace Cooper
Created by Candace Cooper about 8 years ago

Resource summary

CALLA Approaches and Methods
  1. Literacy across the Curriculum
    1. integration of literacy and all content instruction
      1. Process Writing
        1. involves thinking, reflection, and multiple revisions
    2. Language Experience Approach
      1. students' experiences are used to bridge new ideas
        1. Cooperative Learning
          1. students engage in active practice of language and content
      2. Balanced Reading Approach
        1. careful balance between phonics and whole language
          1. Phonics Instruction while Reading Authentic Texts
            1. balance is determined by individual student needs
        2. Inquiry Approaches
          1. students actively construct new ideas through learner-centered activites
            1. Implementation of the Inquiry Cycle
              1. designed so that students learn from experiences
          2. Standards-Based Instruction
            1. lessons based on national/state standards in all content subjects
              1. Implementation of National/State Standards (TESOL)
                1. what students should know in relation to the content at each grade level
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