Ancient Eypt


Mind Map on Ancient Eypt, created by 315144332 on 26/03/2014.
Mind Map by 315144332, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 315144332 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Ancient Eypt
  1. Georgraphy
    1. The lands beyond the river are the red lands
      1. it was a harsh place to live so this made eypt more secure as it was hard to invade
      2. Every year-June,october the nile would flood leaving a layer of rich soil of on the river banks in which crops could grow
        1. Nove-feb=Preet,the seed time
          1. Mid-july=Akhet,the flood season
            1. March-june=Shemu,the harvest time
      3. Pharaohs
        1. Responsibilites
          1. The nile flooded
            1. Army could defend against enemies
              1. Ma'at was at the heart of Eyptian life
                1. Ma'at is in balance
                  1. Enough food
                    1. The gods were kind to the people
                  2. Headdress
                    1. Nemes-main crown,blue and gold strips
                      1. White Crown-control over upper and lower eypt
                        1. Atef Crown-worn during some religious rituals
                          1. Red Crown-control over lower part of eypt
                        2. Blue Crown-won in battles and ceremonies
                          1. Double Crown-joining of two lands and the pharaohs control over them
                      2. Religion
                        1. Ma'at is the cosmic balance balance between order and chaos
                          1. Polythesitic=Believe in more than 1 god
                            1. Believe in an afterlife
                              1. You can take items with you that you might need for the afterlife
                                1. Once dead go through the weighing of the heart ceremony to get into the field of reeds if not pass get eaten by ammit
                                2. Mummification
                                  1. When die 'Ba' and 'Ka' left your body
                                    1. The 2 parts of embalming-the washing and the wrapping
                                      1. The body is washed in the water of Nile and palm wine
                                        1. Intestines,stomach,liver and lungs removed via incision in the left side
                                          1. The heart is left in
                                            1. Canopic jars=Canopic jars-Human figure=liver
                                              1. Baboon =Lungs
                                                1. Jackal=stomach
                                                  1. Falcon=intestines
                                                    1. After 40 days the body is stuffed with sand and the rest of the 70 days in natron
                                    2. CANOPIC JARS
                                    3. Gods
                                      1. RA=Sungood,most important god
                                        1. THOTH= god of writing and knowledge
                                          1. HATHOR=wife of horus,goddess of fertility,love and joy
                                          2. OSIRIS=god of the underworld,brother of seth
                                            1. SOBEK=God of military prowess and protector of the nile
                                              1. HORUS=Ruler of the world,god of the sky,protector of eypt
                                              2. ANUBIS=God of mummification
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