

Physics 3 Mind Map on X-Rays, created by charlie:) on 02/05/2013.
Mind Map by charlie:), updated more than 1 year ago
Created by charlie:) over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
    1. They have a high frequency and a very short wave length.
    2. Properties:
      1. They affect a photographic film in the same way as light.
        1. They are absorbed by metal and bone.
          1. They are transmitted by healthy tissue.
      2. Used to form images of bones on photographic film.
        1. Used to check for fractures and dental problems.
          1. Charged-coupled devices (CCDs) can be used to form electronis images of x-rays.
            1. CT Scans
              1. Use x-ray to produce digital images of a cross section through the body.
                1. Some body organs made of soft tissue can be filled with a contrast medium that absorbs X-rays so that they can be seen on an X-ray image.
                  1. E.g The Intestines
                2. X-rays cause ionisation and can damage living tissue when they pass through it.
                  1. Therefore precautions are taken; workers wear film badges and when possible use lead screens to shield them from the X-rays.
                  2. X-rays may also be used for therapy.
                    1. They can be used to treat cancerous tumours at or near the body surface.
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