Types of character


A mindmap showing teh difference between flat and rounded characters in relation to C19th prose fiction
Sarah Holmes
Mind Map by Sarah Holmes, updated more than 1 year ago
Sarah Holmes
Created by Sarah Holmes about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Types of character
  1. Flat
    1. Represents a single idea or quality
      1. Two dimensional
        1. Lacks complexity and depth
          1. Very predictable
            1. Can be described simply, usually a single sentence is enough!


              1. Does not provide much room for interpretation or analysis
    2. Rounded
      1. Represents complex ideas and qualities
        1. Life-like in complexity
          1. Has complex temperament and motivations
            1. Has the capacity to surprise
              1. Difficult to describe simply
                1. Provide lots of scope for analysis and interpretation
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