The need for economic reconstruction in war-torn Europe
through cooperation anf the creation of a larger market
The disire to preserve peace between france and Germany, whose
antagonisms had contributed to the outbreak of both the WW1 and WW2
The need to incorporate Germany more effectively into a
wider Europe in order to prevent further bouts of expansionism
The dise to safeguard western Europe from the threat of the USSR, which had emrged as a
superpower in the post- 1945 period and had extended its control throughout Eastern Europe
The wish of the USA to establish a prosperous and united Europe, bith as a
market for US goods and as a bulwark against the spread of communism
Early examples of
European Coal and Gas Community, which was formed in 1952 by France,
Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg (big Six)
The Big Six formed the European
Economic Coummity in 1957 with
the Treaty of Rome
The EEC was commited to the establishment of a
common market and the broader goal of an "ever
closer union among the peoples of the Europe"
Although many of the early supporters of Euopean
integration favoured a "federal" Europe, in which the
sovereignty of the European Nations would be "pooled",
The was more "functionalist",
based on incremental steps
towards integration, particularly in
the area of ecominc copperation
The UK refused to participate
in these develpoments, for a
number of reasons
Having fought alongside the USA and the Soviet Union and having emerged
victorious in WW2, the UK saw itself as one of the "Big three", not as a minor power
Many in the UK felt culturally and historically distinct from "Europe" having,
for example, more in common with Commonwealth and with the USA
The UK was more concerned with preserving its "special
relationship" with the USA than with forming alliances with "Europe"
Not having been defeated or invaded, the UK was less
affected than many continental Euopean powers by WW2
The attitudes changed
This was due to growing anxiety about the UK's loss of great power status
and concern about the UK's economic decline relative to EEC states
Macmillan was the first to apply to join the
"Common Market" in 1961 followed by Wilson's
in 1967, both attempts were rejected
De Gaulle, feared that the UK was still too closely
aligned with the USA, and the UK would threaten the
Franco-German alliance, that had dominated the EEC
Heath's finally succeeded in joining in 1973
The integration process
was relaunched
Signing in 1986 of the Single European Act, which envisaged
an unrestricted flow of goods, services and people throughout
Europe "a single market", to be introduced by 1993
The treaty on the European Union, led to the creation of
the European Union (EU). This committed the EU's 15
UNION. The single currency was introduced in 2002
Poltical union: The establishment of common
citzenship rights within the EU and a
strengthening of EU institutions to ensure
common policies in designated areas
Monetary union: The establishment of a
single European currency, the euro,
regulated by the European Central Bank
EU enlargment
In 2004, 10 countries joined reintergrating the
Ex-soviet sates. With 2 more eastern European
counrties joining in 2007 bring the total to 27
This enlargment was made
it hard for further integration
A larger number of member states made it difficult, for the EU bodies, and especially
the Council of Ministers, to make decisons. This led to moves establish a constitutions
for the EU. The treaty of Lisbon in 2009 eventually established a constitution
The workings of the EU
The EU is very difficult political
organization to catergorize
It is no longer a confederation of
independent states operating on
the basis of intergovernmentalism
Intergovernmentalism: A form of interaction
between states that takes place on the basis of
sovereign independence, meaning that states
cannot be forced to act against their will
The sovereignty of member states was
enshrined in the so-called "Luxembourg
compromise" of 1966. This granted each
member state a national veto
National veto: The power of member states to
block Council of Ministers' decisions on matters
that threaten vital national interest
However, as a rsult of the SEA, the TEU and other
treaties, the practice of qualified majority voting has
been applied to a wide range of policy areas.
Qualified majority voting: A system of voting
within an EU Council of Ministers in which
different majorities are needed on different issus,
with states' votes weighed according to size
This narrows the scope of the national veto and allows even the largest state to be outvoted.
This trend has been compounded by the fact that EU Law is binding on all member states and
that the power of certain EU bodies had expanded at the expense of national governemnts
The EU, hovers somewhere between
intergovernmentalism and supranationalism. The
EU may not yet have created a federal Europe, but
because of the superiority of Eurpean law over the
national law of member states, it is perhaps
accurate to talk of a "federaalizing" Europe
Supranationalism: The existence of a
supranational body that is higher than the
nation-state and capable of imposing its will on it
The EU is an
unique political body
The transition from Community to Union, achieved via the TEU
not only extened intergovernemtal cooperation into areas such as
foreign and security policy, home affairs and justice, immigration
and policing, but also established the notion of EU citizenship
In the UK in particular
such developments have
been controversial
Often dubbed Europe's "awkard
partner", the UK has struggled to come
to terms with its European identity.
The Conservative, fuelled by the fear of a
European "superstate" that would threaten both
national sovereignty and national identity
The EU Stops short of a
United States of Europe
This has been ensured partly respect for the principle
for subsidiarity, which in the TEU expresses the idea
that EU bodies should only act when matters cannot
suffiently be achieved by member states
Subsidiarity: The principle that, within a
federal-type system, decisions should
be made at the lowest possible level
Decision-making within the New Europe is increasingly made on the basic of multilevel
governance, involving subnational, national, intergovernmental and supranational levels,
with the balance between them shifting in relation to different issues and policy areas
This image of complex policy-making is more
helpful than the sometimes sterile notion of a battle
between national sovereignty and the EU domination
The impact of the
EU on the UK
It is often said that the UK is
in Europe but not of Europe .
The UK has not been able to
escape a process of
Public policy
Every year the EU issues more than 12,000
regulation, directives, decisions and
recommendations which impact on the member states
"Democratic deficit"
The decision-making authority is transferred
from parliament to non elected EU bodies.
The EU's policy influence
is very different in
different areas
E.G. health, education, social security
and social services have been little
affected by membership of the EU
The UK's opt-out on the Single currency also helps to
preserve the UK's economic sovereignty, although it has
no choice but to conform to the Freedom of movement of
goods, services and capital throughout the EU
The UK's decision not to participate in the
Schengen Agreement has allowed the UK to
retain border and immigration control
Agriculture and fisheries polices are more dominated by the EU through the Common Agricultural Policy
(CAP) and the Common Fisheries Policy. While British farmers have benefited substantially from the CAP,
the country as a whole pays more than it gets back because of the UK's releatively small agricultural sector.
Regional aid provided through grants from the European Regional Development
Fund, which helps small businesses and supports economic regeneration,
particularly in Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the north of England
The EU is also closely involved in setting and monitoring standards in
environmental policy and consumer affairs. This ranges from regulating the
quality of bathing beaches and the effectiveness of pollution controls to the
ways in which products such as ice cream, sausages and beer can be sold
The impact on social
policy in the UK
It was restricted by the opt-out, negotiated in
1997, from the Social Chapter of the TEU.
The incoming Labour Government in 1997, relinquished the opt-out.
The UK therefore became subject to a wide range of regulations
about matters such as working hours and the rights of part-time workers.
Progress towards establishing the common foreign and defence
policies within the EU, while still limited, has developed considerably
in recent years with the intergovernmental Common Foreign and
Security Policy and the European Security and Defence Policy
However, while the EU has taken an increasingly larger role in representing
the member states on bodies such as the WTO and IMF, the UK has been
less willing to limit their independence in relation to military matters
Public opinion
The UK's failure to adopt a more clearly European
identity, and to participate more fully in EU
initiatives, is underpinned by continuing public
scepticism about the benefits of EU members.
Before the 1975 referendum, roughly two-thirds of
the people to oppose continued EC membership
(the referendum produced two-thirds for EC)
Opinion surveys across the EU have consistently
demonstrated support for the "European project" is
lower in the UK than in any other member state
In December 2007 only 37% of
UK citizens said they had
benefited from EU membership
Some explain these trends in terms of the continued
impact of the historical and cultural factors that encouraged
the UK to refuse the invitation to join the EEC in 57
Others point to the increasingly
strident anti-Euroepanism of the UK
tabloid press since the early 1980's
An additional factor is that, since Heath, no UK government
has made the case for a positive engagement with "Europe" by
clearly emphasizing the benefits of EC/EU membership
Membership of the EU
has affected UK parties
in two main ways
In the First place, Europe has
been a cross-cutting issues that
has tended to divide both the
Labour and Conservative parties
Divisions with the Labour party, for instance, led
Wilson to renegotiate EC membership in 1974 and
to call the 1975 referendum on continued
membership. During 1981-87, Labour supported
withdrawal from the EU
Euroscepticism grew within the Conservatives Party
from the late 1980's onwards, leading to divisions
that threatened the survival of the Major government
and contributed to its landslide defeat in 1997.
Second, the European
issues has given rise to
new political parties
The single-issue Referendum Party contested the 1997
GE, while the UK Independence Party won three seats
in the European Parliament election of 1999 and,
more dramatically, securing 12 seats in 2003
Pressure groups have responded
to the transfer of policy-making
responsibilities from national
government to EU bodies
Most major pressure groups have therefore set up offices in Brussels
as well as in London. The growing influence of the European
Parliament has also led to more intensive lobbying at Strasbourg.
One of the most prominent consequences of this process has been the
growing number of European-wide pressure groups, which help national
groups to poll their resources and to achieve a higher public profile
Over 700 such groups have come into existence, mainly representing business interests.
Examples of such European-wide groups include the Committee of Professional Agricultural
Organisations, which provides a European voice for the National Farmers Union and the
European Trade Union Confederation, through which the Trade Union Congress operates