Accounting Concepts Explained


A list of concepts from accounting
G Murdy
Mind Map by G Murdy, updated more than 1 year ago
G Murdy
Created by G Murdy over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Accounting Concepts Explained
  1. Dual Aspect Concept
    1. Business is a "Living Entity" and owns resources known as assets. Owners have a claim in the form of capital investment
      1. Transactions have both a credit and debit. Liabilities represent a debit to the company while assets represent a credit
        1. Assets = Liabilities + Equity
        2. Busines Entity Concept
          1. Business must be treated seperately as a "Living Entity" but only applies to Limited companies
            1. Records are kept of the business entity and not the owners and must be labelled with the busness name
            2. Money Measurement Concept
              1. The classification of financial records relating to which monetary values can be attached
                1. Exception: Cannot put a monetary value on skill or motivation (and as such are not recorded)
                2. Historic Cost Concept
                  1. Assets are recorded at there original value and don't change until sold or retired
                    1. Gives a historic account of goods that are bought and sold
                    2. Please dont forget to give me credit for creating this and leaving it shared with the community - Murdy
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