The Rover - Aphra Behn


Essay mind map for social x historical context of play.
Christina Jordan
Mind Map by Christina Jordan, updated more than 1 year ago
Christina Jordan
Created by Christina Jordan almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

The Rover - Aphra Behn
  1. Social & Historical Context
    1. Religion
      1. Political crisis
        1. Audience
          1. Court/King Charles
            1. London vs Country
              1. Printing Presses - Plays read widely
                1. Education of Women
                  1. Growing Middle Class
            2. Plague/Fire of London
            3. Anti - Catholic - Succession Crisis
              1. Catholic Plot
                1. After Interregnum, Monarchy Restoration
                  1. Whigs and Tories
                  2. James
                    1. Glorious Revolution
            4. Themes of play
              1. Gender Roles
                1. Money and Sex
                  1. Deceit and Disguise
                    1. Financially & Sexually Independen
                      1. Men only/Idependant women Notorious
                        1. Aphra Behn/Nell Gwynn
                    2. Women & Fops
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