Chapter 7 : Memory


My concept map for chapter seven.
Whitney  Mitsuing
Mind Map by Whitney Mitsuing, updated more than 1 year ago
Whitney  Mitsuing
Created by Whitney Mitsuing almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Chapter 7 : Memory
  1. Three key processes
    1. 1) Encoding (getting information in)
      1. Involves forming a memory code
        1. Four primary types
          1. Visual
            1. Acoustic
              1. Elaborative
                1. Semantic
        2. 2) Storage (maintaining it)
          1. Involves maintaining encoded information in memory over time
          2. 3) Retrieval (getting it out)
            1. Involves recovering information from memory stores
          3. Types of Memory
            1. Sensory Memory
              1. preserves information for a brief time
              2. Short-Term Memory
                1. limited capacity store that can preserve information for up to about twenty seconds
                  1. rehearsal
                    1. maintenance
                      1. elaborative
                    2. Long-Term Memory
                      1. unlimited capacity store that can hold information over lengthy periods of time
                        1. Several different types of LTM
                          1. explicit and implicit memory
                            1. declarative and procedural memory
                              1. retrospective and prospective memory
                            2. episodic and semantic memory
                        2. Systems Of Memory
                          1. Memory Lapse
                            1. Ebbinghaus's forgetting curve
                              1. graphs retention and forgetting over time
                              2. Seven sins of memory
                                1. transcience
                                  1. absent-mindness
                                    1. blocking
                                      1. misattribution
                                        1. suggestibility
                                          1. bias
                                            1. persistance
                                            2. Retrograde amnesia
                                              1. loss of memories for events that occured prior to the onset of amnesia
                                              2. Anterograde amnesia
                                                1. loss of memories for events that occur after the onset of amnesia
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