Regulatory Bodies


GCSE Creative Media Mind Map on Regulatory Bodies, created by Neo Metcalfe on 04/11/2016.
Neo Metcalfe
Mind Map by Neo Metcalfe, updated more than 1 year ago
Neo Metcalfe
Created by Neo Metcalfe almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Regulatory Bodies
  1. OFCOM
    1. Make sure that programs containing adult themes are only shown after 9PM
      1. Regulates programs to eliminate harmful programs.
        1. Office of Communications
        2. BBFC
          1. British Board of Film Classification.
            1. Classify films based on material inside them to protect the public from harmful material.
              1. Non-Profit Organisation
                1. Calculate the running time of films.
                2. ASA
                  1. Advertising Standards Authority
                    1. Checks media to take action against misleading, harmful or offensive advertisements.
                      1. Makes sure all UK advertisements are legal.
                        1. Consider around 30,000 complaints about 20,000 advertisements, each year.
                        2. IPSO
                          1. Independent Press Standards Organisation
                            1. Makes sure that all member newspapers and Magazines follow the Editor's Code.
                              1. Investigate complaints made about printed and online material that may breach the Editor's Code.
                                1. Monitor Press standards.
                                2. PEGI
                                  1. Pan European Game Information
                                    1. Classify what ages can have access to certain games.
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