

If the color does not suit the sub-section, this is because the color represent the other group(s) it is categorized by.
samantha malt
Mind Map by samantha malt, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Gasini  Bala
Created by Gasini Bala over 8 years ago
samantha malt
Copied by samantha malt about 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Economy
    1. Recession
      1. Capitalist businesses living in Hong Kong resettled in Canada to expand their businesses
        1. Chinese immigrants invested 1.1 billion dollars in Canada’s economy
          1. Restructuring and downsizing resulted in job losses for workers
            1. Computer age
              1. More efficient
                1. Less employees needed in secondary and primary industry
                  1. allowed people to work at home
                    1. women worked until they were married & expected to stop working
                    2. increase of women in the workplace
                      1. Few reached high executive positions
                        1. female lawyers jumped to 70%
                    3. Women
                      1. Mostly labour force
                        1. Wages slowly becoming equa
                          1. Some in executive and administrative positions
                            1. earn lower wages than men
                              1. Second Wave of Feminism (include for international relations)
                              2. Entertainment
                                1. Famous Sports
                                  1. Famous Athletes
                                    1. Wayne Gretzky
                                      1. Ben Johnson
                                        1. Terry Fox
                                          1. Marathon of Hope
                                          2. Steve Nash
                                            1. Gordie Howe
                                            2. Calgary Winter Olympic Games (1988)
                                              1. East Germany close tie
                                                1. Soviet Union won most medals
                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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