Many directos of each film will want to
include lots of non-diegetic sound so that
it effects the audience in a scary way, also
will use many different cuts, such as jump
cuts to increase effect and uspense within
the watching of the film. Cross cutting is
also used, as again, that also increases
efect of suspense.
The protagonist tends to be a man, as that is
stereotypical, but he usually wants to help
and mae this back to the way they once were.
The antagonist tend to be 'dark'
and ;scary' and have that
stereotypical 'bad boy vibe'. The
antagonist is again normally a
man, and has a hidden identity, for
example 'The Joker', even though
you cant see his face, you still
know he is the villain.
The sound of a film is extremely important as this is what creates most of the
suspense and effect within the film. It does this by the constant use of diegetic
and non-diegetic sound. As it creates suspense and intensity for not only the
audience, but also the characters. The soud will normally start of at a slow and
gentle pace, but then get continuously louder and faster, which increases the
This is used for many close ups for the protagonist showing how
he feels through the emotion and facial expressions, it is also
used for the waythe antagonist is feeling and how he is going to
do what he wants. It also focuses on many of the props and
mise-en-scene which have an impact on the narrative.
Conventions of a thriller.
Low lighting
Different shots
Tension music
Quick and fast paced shots.
Changes in shot angle
A thriller film usually includes a 'fight'
between the antagonist and the
protagonist. The antagonist usually comes
from a bad background and that is why
they are the way they are. The narrative the
shows a differnece of bad events , the
protagonist wants to restore bad and the
antagonist wants to destroy this and create