Zinoviev's Personality


A-Levels History Mind Map on Zinoviev's Personality, created by EmmaSmile on 04/05/2013.
Mind Map by EmmaSmile, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by EmmaSmile almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Zinoviev's Personality
  1. Active in the party as early as 1903 and worked closely with Lenin before Revolution.
    1. Fell out with Lenin as wanted a Socialist coalition.
      1. Opposed armed uprising of October 1917 and was not given a major position in Sovnarkom which ran day to day government.
        1. Made Party Secretary in Leningrad which allowed him to build up some power
    2. Less intellectual than other contenders.
      1. 1919 made Chairman of the Comintern, role was to help spread revolution elsewhere with Communists from Britain, Germany etc attending conferences
        1. Full member of Politburo in 1921.
        2. Unpopular, seen as vain and cowardly as had avoided fighting during Civil War, staying in most expensive hotel in Petrograd surrounded by prostitutes.
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