Newton's Laws of motion


A-Levels physics (Newton's Laws) Mind Map on Newton's Laws of motion, created by SarabtheScarlet on 04/05/2013.
Mind Map by SarabtheScarlet, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by SarabtheScarlet almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Newton's Laws of motion


  • Be careful when applying Newton's laws, always check if the forces are the same type and what body they are acting on as it will determine whether to use the 1st or 3rd law in your answer!
  1. 1) Every object persists in a state of rest or uniform motion unless compelled to change that state by forces acting on it


    1. EXAMPLE: an object on a table won't go anywhere as the forces on it are balanced reaction(R)(force of table pushing object up)=weight(mg) (force of gravity pulling oblect down
    2. 2) Acceleration is proporional to force
      1. Resultant force(N)= mass(kg)xacceleration(m/s2)
        1. F=mxa
          1. more force= more acceleration ( for a certain mass)
            1. more mass = less acceleration (for a given force)
          2. 3) For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
            1. REMEMBER: forces are the same size and the same type!
              1. Forces act on different bodies and act in the opposite direction
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