PSY353e Positive Psychology


PSY353 Positive Psychology (Jul 2016) Psychology (PSY353e Positive Psychology (Jul 2016)) Mind Map on PSY353e Positive Psychology, created by Shiquan Xie on 14/11/2016.
Shiquan Xie
Mind Map by Shiquan Xie, updated more than 1 year ago
Shiquan Xie
Created by Shiquan Xie over 8 years ago

Resource summary

PSY353e Positive Psychology


  • Knowledge & Understanding (Theory Component): - Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the social psychological research and theories on well-being. - Examine the various social psychological research and theories on well-being. - Analyze the cognitions, behaviors, and factors which enhance or undermine optimal human growth. - Evaluate the theories regarding the factors that influence well-being.
  • Key Skills (Practical Component): - Apply positive psychology theories to your own lives. - Propose recommendations for improving well-being using the theories and findings from positive psychology. - Appraise what constitutes well-being or a “good life” based on the empirical evidence in the literature.
  1. Introduction and Overview
    1. 1. What is positive psychology?
      1. 2. Why do we need to study positive psychology?
        1. 3. Examine how a good life is subject to each individual’s innate talents, personalities, interests, opportunities, and choices
          1. 4. Explain what are positive emotions
            1. 5. Illustrate the use of broaden-and-build theory in daily lives
            2. Happiness and Well-being
              1. Money and Happiness
                1. Personality, Self-esteem and Optimism
                  1. Gratitude and Altruism
                    1. Positive Relationships
                      1. Culture and Happiness
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