non verbal communication -
conveying messages that do not
require the use of words or vocal
eye contact
facial expressions
body language
verbal communication -
conveying messages
using words or vocal
paralinguistics - vocal features
that accompany speech.
Emphasis: giving provinence
to some words more than
others. Intonation: inflection in
the voice when speaking
features that
tone of voice
Evaluation of Studies
these studies help us to
understand how some people
may have problems getting
verbal information across to
ther people if their words seem
to contradict the tone of voice
that they are using
it is also true that these studies were carried out
in artificial conditions where participants were
asked to concentrate on different aspects of the
in real life, people may
not focus so much on
these details and be
more taken in by the
actual words used
facial expressions
and hemispheres
of the brain
study by
other research has shown that our emotions
are contained in the right hemispheres of the
brain. Sackiems study makes sense as the
right hemisphere controls the left side of the
body and v.v. therefore, we shoul expect
emotion to show more on the left side of teh
studies that involve still pictures are
artificial - dont usually stare at
pictures to judge emotions.
we dont look at
when in
isolation with
also change
when people
are together.
other aspects of Non
verbal behaviour can
give more accurate
clues to what they
may be thinking -
posture or style of
Eval points
if facial expressions
are inherited, it
happens instinctively
and more likely to be
therefore, if
someone is saying
happy things with a
sad face, the person
is more likely to be
sad. easy to lie with
words but not as
easy with facial
Sackiem's study also helps us to
understand why we prefer certain
picture profiles of ourselves rather than
others. we preer to shhow our warm
categories of
the 7 facial expressions
are recognised by all
societies. this means they
are inheroted. as humans,
there are more muscles in
the face than any other
animal. facial expressions
can change as quickly as
0.2 seconds. all this is
controlled by the 2
hemispheres of the brain
Functions of Eye
contact and Pupil
dilation (studies)
asking people to get acquainted
and then observing them is a very
artificial situation and participants
may have behaved in a different
way to normal
studies of eye contact help
us to understand what we can
do to make conversations run
more smoothly
studies of pupil dilation help us to understand the use of
eye makeup being so popular. it has the effects of making
the eyes look darker and larger - seems to be an important
unconscious signal for attrcation
studies of eye moveents in
conversation help us to understand
why we might feel uncomfortable
talking to to someone who is either
constantly looking at us or never
looks at us at all - you are never
quite sure of when it is your turn to
we have no control over pupil
dilation - biologically programmed
into us. a drawback could be that
we cant hide our emotions if we are
attracted to someone without
wearing dark glasses
body language: posture
- postural echo,
open/closed posture,
gesture and touch
Body Language: A
general term to
describe aspects of
People who are
getting on well
together tend to
adopt each other's
posture when
conversing -
postural echo.
positioning arms and
legs so they are folded
across thebody and
crossing the legs -
closed posture. could
indicate rejection or
positioning arms and legs
so they are not folded
across the body and not
crossing the legs - open
posture could indicate
acceptance and approval
Study on Posture
the ndividuals who
were approached
didnt realise they
were participants -
deception -
there could have been other factors
apart from open/closed posture that
caused the difference in results.
because of the experimental design
used, personality differences
between the people approached
may have made the confederate
more appealing to some than to
Practical Implications
highlight how
people in the
real world
may be
using this
info to their
counsillor may adopt
postural echo
deliberately to develop
closer relationships
with clients. implication
for their counsillors -
they may divulge more
about themselves to a
counsellor who uses
postural echo
Sales people use open
postures when talking to
customers - may help make
a sale. implication for
customer who doesnt know
about these studies is they
may not realise how they are
being manipulated
gestures we make
communicate extra info to
people. some are
deliberate to emphasise
what we are saying/affect
behaviour of another
unconscious and we
dont realise we are
giving away info -
e.g. when nervous,
tapping with fingers
Study on tipping
other differences
could have explained
the difference for the
tips being given - e.g.
bill usually affects
size of tip.
also, whether
the customers
were served by
someone of
sex - another
the study does show how
knowledge of the effect of
gestures can be used to
people's advantage
Touch is another NVC
signal. it can produce
unconscious emotional
reactions and there are
huge cultural differences
when communicating
study on
students in
were all female
- cant be
generalised to
may be unethical as
females did not know
until later that they
were used as
participants in the
Practical implications: waiters trained to
squat down when taking orders - could be
seen as a friendly gesture but studies such
as Lynn and Mernier suggest there could be
other motives.
studies of touch
also show how
attitudes in the
real world may be
manipulated by
people who want
to win favour
factors that affect
personal space
Cultural Norms
study on personal
space with
P.I - the study could help us understand
why people in Arab countries regard
Europeand/Americans as
unfriendly/untrustwrothy as they stand
back during conversations.
also helps us understand why
Mediterranean men are seen as
romantic by British girls - they
stand closer than most british
Sex Differences
Study on
space with
P.I - it could be that
when a male is in
conversation with a
female, he may not be
aware that he is
standing too close for
her comfort
Zahn study
on personal
P.I - this study might imply why it
feels more threatening to
approach someone of higher
status and we show our anxiety
by keeping our distance.
it also implies why
we feel more
approaching people
of equal status
Individual Differences
study on
with age
P.I - people may think that if a person older or younger
than themselves stands further away, they are being
unfriendly but the research shows this is normal in
human behaviour
also, if we attempt to
stand closer to a person
younger or oldr, it may
cause them to feel
if we are NOT sensitive to personality
differences between us and people we talk
to, we mightn't realise we are causing them
discomfort by standing too close to them
the distance that feels
comfortable between you and
the other person and is kept
between us and other people in
our everyday lives
the reulsts could be
misleading as these
factors don't operate in
isolation from other
aspects of NVC - facial
expression could affect
our use of personal
also, when we are
with people we use a
number of different
distances depending
on what is happening
and the amount of
space available.
how much we like
the other person or
if we have an
personality come
into play