Chemisty Revision


Year 10 Chemistry Mind Map on Chemisty Revision, created by Aimee Russell on 14/11/2016.
Aimee Russell
Mind Map by Aimee Russell, updated more than 1 year ago
Aimee Russell
Created by Aimee Russell almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Chemisty Revision
  1. Periodic table
    1. Elements
      1. Electons
        1. mass;very small (0.0005)
          1. Charge;negative
            1. location;outer shells
            2. Neutron
              1. Location;inside the nucleus
                1. Charge;neutral
                  1. Mass; 1
                  2. Protons
                    1. Mass; 1
                      1. Charge;positive
                        1. Location;inside the nucleus
                      2. Ordered in atomic mass
                        1. Columns going across; groups
                          1. Rows going across;periods
                            1. Group 0;noble gases
                            2. Isotops
                              1. Atoms with the same number of protons but different number of neutrons
                              2. Maxium number of electrons in each shell;
                                1. 2,8,8,12
                                2. Colvent compounds
                                  1. Covenlent bonds
                                    1. Bonds ocurring between non-metals
                                      1. Electrons shared between atoms
                                      2. Three different types;
                                        1. simple molecules(very small)
                                          1. very low boiling point.
                                            1. Intermolecluar forces are weak (force between molecules)
                                              1. Chlorine has a low boiling point as it contains simple covent molecules
                                                1. Nitrogen has a low boiling point as it contains simple colvent molecules
                                                2. Giant covelent (giant cluster structures)
                                                  1. Polymers(long, straight lines)
                                                    1. long chains of covalently bound molecules.
                                                      1. Along chains are many weak intermolealur forces
                                                  2. Covalent;sharing metals= always lose electrons.
                                                  3. diamond
                                                    1. Structure;each carbon atoms is bonded to other of their own
                                                      1. Melting points;high melting points because of large repeating structures
                                                        1. Electrical conductivity;Doesn't conduct as all carbon electrons are bonded
                                                        2. Graphite
                                                          1. Structure;each carbon in every layer is bonded to three others.
                                                            1. Between the layers are very weak forces meaning they can slide
                                                              1. Used in pemcils
                                                            2. Melting points;high melting points because of large repeating structures
                                                              1. Electrical conductivity;from free delocalised electron it can conduct
                                                              2. Delocalised=negative
                                                                1. Fullerene
                                                                  1. Structure;carbon bonded with three other carbons.
                                                                    1. hollow, cage like structure.
                                                                    2. Properties;
                                                                      1. Used in nanotubes
                                                                        1. can be used for drug delivery
                                                                      2. Graphene
                                                                        1. Structure;one graphite layer
                                                                        2. Ion;metal=non-metal=electrostatic
                                                                          1. Ionic bonds
                                                                            1. Formed by the transfer of electrons to form ions. These are attracted to each other by electronic forces.
                                                                              1. Ionic structures
                                                                                1. Giant repeating lattices
                                                                                  1. With strong electostatic forces in all directions
                                                                                    1. Meaning high melting&Boiling points
                                                                                    2. Lattices;
                                                                                    3. When dissolved or molten(melted) the ions can move=create electrons
                                                                                      1. Higher boiling points from giant repeating lattices with strong electrostatic forces in all directions.
                                                                                  2. Metallic bonding
                                                                                    1. losing electrons to gain a full outer shell
                                                                                      1. Electrons form a 'sea of delocalisation'
                                                                                        1. flows around the positive metals
                                                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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