Stresemann Plan


GCSE History Mind Map on Stresemann Plan, created by Jack Kee` on 15/11/2016.
Jack Kee`
Mind Map by Jack Kee`, updated more than 1 year ago
Jack Kee`
Created by Jack Kee` almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Stresemann Plan
  1. Stresemann
    1. Excellent at negotiating
      1. Excellent dictator
        1. Became chancellor of Germany in 1923 when hyperinflation was out of control
          1. Helped Germany in their time of need from hyperinflation
          2. How he helped Germany
            1. Dawes Plan
              1. Persuaded the allies to grant easier terms to pay reparations
                1. Took loans from USA to pay reparations and also to modernise factories, build new housing, hospitals schools etc while also improving the gas and electricity works
                  1. Helped Britain and France as they used the reparations to pay their war debts to USA
                  2. Called off the Ruhr strike (which at first people dislike about him) but it turned out to help Germany
                    1. Young plan
                      1. French and Belgians pulled out of the Rhineland 5 years ahead of schedule
                        1. Reduced amount of reparations Germany had to pay to just 25% of the original figure
                          1. Lead to more loans from America
                        2. Locarno Treaties
                          1. Guaranteed Germany would not try and change their western borders with France and Belgium
                            1. They wouldn't try and seize territory
                            2. All countries involved renounced the use force and invasion except in self-defence
                              1. Improved the relationship between Germany and the French and Belgians as they wouldn't plan an invasion
                              2. Allowed to join League of Nations in 1926
                                1. No putsches during the "golden years"
                                  1. Made a new currency with gold to back it up
                                  2. Impact on Policies and possible problems
                                    1. Dependant on American loans
                                      1. If USA asked for their money back Germany wouldn't be financially stable
                                      2. Rise in Unemployment
                                        1. Weimar Government spent more money on welfare than it originally had
                                        2. Agricultural Depression
                                          1. Agriculture in Germany remained in depression throughout the 1920s
                                          2. Right Wingers unhappy
                                            1. Nazi party etc were upset they signed the Locarno Treaty, joined the league of nations and also hated any co-operation with the French and Belgians
                                              1. Criticised the Dawes and Young plan as Germany still had to pay reparations
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