An Inspector Calls - Quotes


three quotes from each character in 'An Inspector Calls' by J.B Priestley
Mind Map by BETHAN HEMMINGS, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by jaynejuby over 9 years ago
Copied by BETHAN HEMMINGS almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

An Inspector Calls - Quotes
  1. Sheila Birling
    1. "I suppose we are all nice people now"
      1. "It frightens me the way you talk"
        1. "All last summer when you hardly ever came near me"
        2. Eric Birling
          1. "It's still the same rotten story"
            1. "We did her in all right"
              1. "Why shouldn't they try for higher wages?"
              2. Mrs Birling
                1. "Girls of that class"
                  1. "Her husband's social superior"
                    1. "I did nothing I'm ashamed of"
                    2. Inspector Goole
                      1. "Public men, Mr Birling, have responsibilities as well as privileges"
                        1. "Fire and blood and anguish"
                          1. "One line of inquiry at a time"
                          2. Mr Birling
                            1. "Unsinkable"
                              1. "You're the one i blame for all this...there'll be a public scandal"
                                1. "Lower costs and higher prices"
                                2. Gerald Croft
                                  1. "What about this ring then?"
                                    1. "We've been had"
                                      1. "You seem like a nice well behaved family"
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