How to Improve an ASL-to-English Interpretation


Chapter 10
Alyssa Fletcher
Mind Map by Alyssa Fletcher, updated more than 1 year ago
Alyssa Fletcher
Created by Alyssa Fletcher almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

How to Improve an ASL-to-English Interpretation
  1. Improving English Skills
    1. Increase Vocabulary
      1. Passive: words person recognizes when reading or listening
        1. Active: words used when talking
          1. "Hot Seat" Vocab
          2. Keep Vocab Notebook
            1. Note different ways the same concept is said or new ways of presenting info
            2. Keep Grammar Notebook
              1. Look for how ideas are presented in different registers, rhythms, & combination of words
              2. Monitor Use of Own's
                1. aware of how English is used
                2. Love the Language
                  1. Analyze why use certain words & ask Qs
                  2. Work on using picture or wordless stories
                    1. help because there is no worry about going between 2 languages
                  3. Presenting a Clear Vocal Message
                    1. understanding & recognizing components that make up ability to speak to better control output of English message
                      1. analyzed voice & adjust for better sound
                        1. 2 Principal factors: Verbal (words spoken) & vocal (rate, volume, inflection)
                          1. Avoid Fillers
                            1. Use Pauses Correctly
                              1. Regional Pronunciation
                          2. Improving Presentation Skills
                            1. Be Well Prepared: know topic ahead, research relevant info, aware of special vocab, obtain copy
                              1. Handle Errors: don't dwell, it distracts
                                1. Take Deep Breaths: Calming effect
                                  1. Avoid Negativity: POSITIVE THOUGHTS!!
                                    1. Picture Success: having the right attitude, imagine doing good job
                                      1. No Apologies: will not make it go away, only time is when error cannot be corrected
                                      2. Skill Development
                                        1. Always Improve, On-going Cycle, Step 2 learn most from
                                        2. Personality Traits & Skill Development
                                          1. personality can affect ability to do job
                                            1. Internalizer: feel can control their own actions
                                              1. can control ability to improve skills themselves
                                                1. find info by attending workshops & reading
                                                2. Externalizers: believe others control their lives
                                                  1. depend on others for guidance
                                                    1. need hands-on mentor (able to do follow up & feedback on needed improvement)
                                                  2. GOALS!!!
                                                  3. Practicing
                                                    1. Must think about discourse: reflect on material and how it can best be interpreted
                                                      1. HELPFUL: understand why certain techniques are effective or not by listening to other interpreters, also repetition
                                                      2. Creating Goals/ Prioritizing Goals
                                                        1. Skill development require direction, goal needs to be specific & measurable
                                                          1. goal setting, time frame, written records, feedback, & guidance
                                                          2. order of importance, give lots of thought to
                                                          3. Seeking a Mentor/ Working with a Deaf Consumer
                                                            1. pair with a certified interpreter (help skill & help decide when ready to test) but need to determine length of partnership & assignment planning
                                                              1. Mentor: Listen to Mentee ability 1st! Mentee: Be open to learning & practice it!
                                                              2. Need to Understand Topic
                                                                1. Success Shared, Both Parties Prepared, Provide Outline to Interp, Discuss Outcomes Hope to Accomplish, Discuss How to Signal/ Manage Audience Interaction
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