The proteome can be described as the entire complement of
proteins that is(or can be) expressed by a cell, tissue or organism
the term was first used by Marc Wilkins, a PhD student, in 1994
challenges associated with studying proteomics
proteins have diverse physio-chemical properties
they've undergone different, separate post-translational
modifications and alternative splicing
Proteins have a dynamic range of expression
also very structurally, temporally, and
spatially dynamic
Methods for protein analysis are complex and
are still (rapidly) evolving
relatively large amounts of sample required for analysis
can be hard to obtain
especially in large numbers necessary for clinical trials
Data can take days to produce
data analysis can be extensive and time consuming
benefits of proteomics
focuses on gene products
the active agents in cells/tissues/organisms
mRNA expression analysis (DNA arrays and
micrarrays) do not always reflect the expression level
of proteins
merely reflects proteins that are coded for
Biological samples (CSF, urine, serum etc)
used for proteomic analysis are not suitable
for mRNA expression analysis
Modifications of proteins that are not apparent from
DNA sequencing, i.e. post-translational modifications
can be analysed using proteomics
Proteomics can be used to analyse the location of proteins
Proteomics will ultimately lead to the determination of protein function and
therefore, a more detailed understanding of biological systems
gel based
Protein separation by 2-dimensional gel
electrophoresis of intact proteins (DIGE)
developed in the mid to late 1970's
separates proteins based on their molecular weight and isoelectric point (pI)
can detect proteins using a number of different dyes, including fluorescent ones
there is a problem with protein identification however and so it must be used in conjunction with mass spec (MS)
Pick a spot on the gel that you want to ID and then
use an automated spot picker to select this for MS
staining technique using the gel being run and a 2nd control gel
whereby a different dye is placed on each and the differences in spots
are analysed when the two gels are superimposed onto each other
used to determine if spot differences from conventional 2d are due to induced
biological changes or differences in the way the gels have been
MS-based "gel-free" methods
"shotgun" LC-ESI-MS/MS of total enzymic digest of proteins - peptides
Quantification by stable isotope labelling (e.g. ICAT, iTRAQ, SILAC) or label free
Protein MS
measures m/s (mass/charge ratio)
protein/peptide in gas
measure intact protein or peptide or
'fragmentation' in mass spectrometer
Protein can then be identified based on the ms image
produced of teh different amino acids contained within it
analyte deposited in solid form
tolerant to salts
produces mostly singly charged ions
coupling to peptide fractionation
produces mostly singly charged ions
Electrospray Ionisation
Analyte in aqueous solution sprayed through the bore of a needlie
Formation of charged droplets occurs
Desolvation of the droplets takes place in a heated capillary
Ions are transferred from liquid to gaseous phase by increasing charge
Protein Chips/arrays
intact proteins
e.g. protein, tissue and antibody arrays
why perform proteomic analysis (rely on high quality of samples)
to provide a mechanistic insight into both the disease pathogenesis and the identification of drug targets
proteomic analysis is performed to provide markers for patient stratification, for unbiased discovery,
diagnosis and prediction of response to treatment and monitoring of patient response to treatment.
Also performed to find markers for drug development and use