The Great Palaces of Versailles


AS Level english (poetry) Mind Map on The Great Palaces of Versailles, created by Jake Crossland on 02/04/2014.
Jake Crossland
Mind Map by Jake Crossland, updated more than 1 year ago
Jake Crossland
Created by Jake Crossland over 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Great Palaces of Versailles
  1. context
    1. poet - Rita Dove
      1. black American
        1. v. successful
          1. named US Poet Laureate in 1992
            1. Pulitzer Prize winner (1987)
            2. born 1952
            3. time written - 1986
              1. year of first MLK day
                1. Lindsey Lohan born
              2. literary techniques
                1. the theme of work
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