Psychic healing


Mind Map on Psychic healing, created by chloehathaway on 02/04/2014.
Mind Map by chloehathaway, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by chloehathaway over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Psychic healing
  1. What is it?
    1. New and alternative form of treatment. There are two ways to administer psychic healing 1. the laying on of hands 2. distant healing.
    2. Approaches
      1. Therapeutic touch- the hands of the healer never touch the patient, reamining 4-6 inches above the skin, touching and chanin the area of energy surrounding the body but not coming into contact with the body itself.
        1. Reki- practioner places their hands on the subject
          1. Shamanism- form of tribal religion that relies on the accpetance of an individual as a religious leader, healer and worker of magic- who through special powers can contact and communicate with the spirit world
          2. Research
            1. Krieger (2000) – thinks that healers increase the vitality of their clients. 49 p’s + 29 control. Measured haemoglobin levels pre ‘healing’ and post ‘healing’ – higher levels of haemoglobin in the treated group and they ‘felt’ better – effects long lasting (follow up one year later showed similar results)
              1. Benor (2000) identified 197 studies of psychic healing that showed significantly positive results.
                1. Keller & Bzdek (1986) A – To ascertain whether Therapeutic touch actually has a positive effect. P – 60 p’s (age 18-59, mean 30 who suffered from tension headaches), randomly assigned to a group, TT or control, ‘blind’, severity of headache measured with the MMPQ (before and 5 minutes after) Healer by p, assessed the energy field and redirected areas of tension out of the field, in the control healer focused on subtracting 7s from 100 – same healer, just different focus. F&C – TT group – 90% reported lower levels of headache pain after 5 minutes and 4 hours later – p<0.0001 – appears to support idea that there is an effect from healing. C – no 2 people’s headaches are the same, subjective assessment on behalf of P & researcher, sample size not large enough to generalise, volunteer sampling, expectancy effects ruled out by ‘blind’, psychosomatic effect – placebo effect is very powerful. Some p’s may have had some apprehension not having experienced healing before.
                  1. Support
                    1. Wirth (1990). In this study, patients with wounds were treated with either TT or no treatment. The patients didn’t know which condition they were in (with their eyes shut they didn’t know if they had TT or not) thud eliminating placebo effect. Wirth found that patients treated with TT healed faster.
                      1. Wirth’s research has attracted criticism. He failed to replicate his own research on wound healing and researchers who wished to discuss his research have failed to be able to contact him.
                    2. Rosa et al. (1998) involved 21 TT practitioners. In this study, a TT practitioner sat on one side of a screen, placing their hands though two holes in it. One the other side, an experimenter placed one of her hands about four inches above the practitioner’s right or left hand. TT practitioners should be able to detect the energy field of the hand but in fact their performance was not even as good as chance – they were correct only 44% of the time.
                      1. TT supporters have criticised the Rosa et al. study because it was designed by a nine-year-old girl, though this is not necessarily a problem, and the article was published in the reputable Journal of the American Medical Association. Supporters of psychic healing have also claimed that the study was invalid because the experimenter was not ill, which might affect their aura. Interestingly, Long et al (1999) repeated the study using ordinary people instead of TT practitioners and found that, when the experimenter’s hand was only about three inches away, the results were better than chance. Long et al suggested that this was due to the ability to detect heat from the experimenter’s hand.
                    3. Belief
                      1. Targ (1998) – belief in psychic healing or its effectiveness is part of the explanation of its effectiveness: 1.The healer’s presence – distracts/relaxes. 2.Connection with the healer promotes self-healing. 3.ESP – psychokinesis. A belief in these three things has positive effect
                        1. Lyvers et al recurited 20 volunteers who were all suffering from chronic back pain. During the experiment all p's were told that the psychic healing was focusing on them. Although the psychic only focused on the treatment group.No overall reduction in pain was recorded in either the treatment or control groups. However, there was a correlation between belief and final score. All p's completed a pre-treatment questionnaire about belief in psychic healing and this correlated positively with the extent to which pain was reduced irrespective of the group that they were in. This suggests that beleif plays a central role in the success of psychic healing
                        2. Lyvers, Barling & Harding-Clark (2006) Conducted a study on a psychic who claimed that he could heal by looking at, and manipulating a photograph – double blind study – belief in a psychic’s abilities is enough to alleviate pain. Psychic’s claims proved false. Lyvers et al noted that beleif in, rather than the actual abilities of, a psychic is central to effectiveness of psychic healing, since the beleif would seem to temporaily allevaite pain maybe by using one owns interanl pain response systems.
                          1. Sheep-Goat effect- the study by Lyvers et al suggests that belief in psychic healing may explain at least some of its success. Belief creates positive expectations, acting like a placebo
                          2. The Catholic church concluded that psychic healing cannot be supported on the basis of an extensive review of relevant scientific research.
                          3. Placebo effect
                            1. Success may also be due to the placebo effect, real measurable improvements that occur as a result of beleiving that an effective treatment has been recieived.
                              1. Lack of support- Benson et al 2006 studied patients recovering from two cardiac surgery. One group of pateints acted as a control and the other two groups were told prayers were being said for them. In fact the only group to suffer more complications were those who were prayed for- there was actually a negative effect.
                            2. Anxiety reduction-
                              1. Psychic healing might be explained in terms of the beneficial effects of contact with a sympathetic person. Kiecolt-Glaser et al found that social support is know to reduce stress and anxiety, and enhance the effectiveness of the immune system
                              2. Issues
                                1. Case studies; There is a lot of evidence in the form of case studies. In order to provide valid evidence, it must meet certain criteria standards. Randi (1987) proposed the following criteria; 1. The disease must not normally go away without treatment; otherwise it could have gone on its own. 2. Recovery must be complete 3. No medical intervention should be involved. A medical opinion must confirm the presence of the condition before healing and the absence of it afterwards.
                                  1. Most case studies of psychic healing fail to meet all these criteria. As with other psi phenomena, there are notable cases of fraud. James Randi demonstrated fraudulent techniques used by ‘psychic surgeons’ in the Philippines. He also uncovered the fraudulent faith healings by Peter Popoff.
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