Colour and Lighten Hair


Keywords and descriptions
Kirsty Warner
Mind Map by Kirsty Warner, updated more than 1 year ago
Kirsty Warner
Created by Kirsty Warner over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Colour and Lighten Hair
  1. Semi Permanent- Large Molecules sit on the out side of the cuticle Mixed 1:2 ratio development time 20 mins
    1. Quasi Permanent- Large molecules sit on the cuticle, small molecules penetrate into cortex Mixed ratio 1:2 development time- 25 mins
      1. Permanent- Small molecules enter the cortex and oxidise changing pigments permanently mixed ratio 1:1 (Keune) 1:1.5 (Affinage) development time- 30 mins (Keune) 45 mins (Affinage)
        1. Bleach- Molecules enter into the cortex and break down the colour molecules present or pigments which then become oxy-melanin Mixed ratio 1:1, 1:1.5 or 1:2 depending on personal preference development time- KEEP AN EYE ON IT!
          1. Underlying Pigments- Pigments found in NATURAL base colours from 1-10
            1. Colour Star/Wheel- Richard Of York Gave Battle in Vain
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