Chapter 9: Intelligence and Psychological Testing


Mind Map on Human Memory, created by kayla lawrence on 28/11/2016.
kayla lawrence
Mind Map by kayla lawrence, updated more than 1 year ago
kayla lawrence
Created by kayla lawrence almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Chapter 9: Intelligence and Psychological Testing
  1. Basic Questions about Intelligence Testing
    1. IQ test are exceptionally reliable
      1. They are reasonable valid measures of academic intelligence but they do not tap social or practical intelligence
      2. In modern scoring system deviation IQ scores indicate where people fall in the normal distribution of intelligence for their age group
        1. They are intended to measure potential for learning I Q test inevitable assess a blend of potential and knowledge
        2. IQ scores are correlated with occupational attainment but their ability to predict performance within occupations is the subject of debate
          1. Intelligence testing is largely a western enterprise I Q test are not widely used in most non-western culture's
        3. Extremes of Intelligence
          1. Intellectual disability
            1. Intellectual disability refers to subaverage general mental ability IQ lesson 70 accompanied by deficits in adaptive skills originating before age 18
              1. Diagnosis should not be based solely on test results
              2. Intellectual disability may be mild moderate severe or profound. the vast majority 85% of individuals have mild intellectual disability
                1. Many organic conditions can cause intellectual disability but a specific organic cause can be identified in only about 50% of cases
                  1. Cases of unknown origin tend to involve mild disability and are believed to be mainly caused by unfavourable environmental factors
                2. Giftedness
                  1. Children with a score of 130 as the typical minimum are viewed as gifted
                    1. Terman showed that gifted children tend to be socially mature and well adjusted although winner has raise concerns about the adjustment off profoundly gifted individuals
                      1. Extraordinary achievement seems to depend on intensive training and hard work but innate talent may also contribute
                    2. Key Concepts In Psychological Testing
                      1. Standardization :
                        1. Refers to the uniform procedures used in administration and scoring a test
                        2. Types of Test:
                          1. Mental ability test: measure general intelligence aptitude for specific types of learning or achievements in specific areas of study
                            1. Personality tests: measure various types of personality traits as well as motives interest values and attitudes
                            2. Reliability :
                              1. The measurement consistency of a Tess
                              2. Norms :
                                1. Indicates where a score on a test ranks in relation to other score
                                2. Percentile :
                                  1. Scores indicate the percentage of people who score at or below specific scores
                                  2. Validity : The ability of a test to measure what it was designed to measure
                                    1. Construct Validity
                                      1. Refers to the extent to which there's evidence that test measures a specific hypothetical construct
                                      2. Criterion- related validity: Is estimated by correlating subject scores on a test with their scores on an independent measure of the trait
                                        1. Content-related Validity: Refers to the degree to which the content of a test is representative off the domain it is supposed to cover
                                      3. Heredity and Environment as Determinants of Intelligence
                                        1. Interaction of heredity
                                          1. Reaction range position it's that charity places limits on one intellectual potential while the environment determines where once fall within these limits
                                            1. Evidence indicates that environment is also an important determinant of intelligence
                                            2. Cultural Differences in IQ scores
                                              1. Genetic explanation for cultural differences in IQ has been challenged on a viarety of grounds
                                                1. Ethnicity varies with social class, so socioeconomic disadvantage may account for a low IQ scores among minority students
                                                  1. cultural bias on IQ test may also contribute to ethnic differences in average IQ's
                                                  2. Evidence for Heredity influence
                                                    1. Twin studies show that Identical twins are more similar in intelligence than fraternal twins
                                                      1. This shows that intelligence is inherited at least in part
                                                      2. Adopted children resemble their biological parents and intelligence
                                                    2. History Of Intelligence Tests
                                                      1. Modern intelligence testing was launched in 1905 by Alfred Binet who devised a scale to measure each child's mental age
                                                        1. In 1939 David Weschler publish an improve measure of intelligence for adults which introduce the deviation IQ score based on the normal distribution
                                                          1. Lewis terman revise the Binet's scale to produce the Stanford in it skills in 1916 which introduce the intelligence quotient IQ
                                                            1. Spearman argued that all cognitive test share a core which he called G whereas Thurstone asserted that intelligence is made up of independent abilities
                                                              1. Book views remain influential today as researchers are primarily interested in G but contemporary IQ test typically subdivide G into 10-15 specific abilities
                                                              2. The first intelligence test were devised by Sir Francis Galton, who sought to show that intelligence is inherited
                                                              3. New Direction in the Assessment and Study of Intelligence
                                                                1. Recent years have brought increased interest in biological indexes of intelligence including such things as IQ and brain size and quantity of gray and white matter in the brain
                                                                  1. IQ scores measured in childhood correlate with Longevity to decades later.
                                                                    1. Sternberg's triachic theoary posits that hallmark of intelligence are the abilities to deal with novelty and handle formiliar tasks automatically
                                                                      1. According to Sternberg successful intelligence include three facets;
                                                                        1. Analytical intelligence
                                                                          1. Creative intelligence
                                                                            1. Practical intelligence
                                                                            2. Howard Gardner has argued that there are eight largely independent types of human intelligence
                                                                              1. Some theorists believe that the measurement of emotional intelligence can enchance the prediction of people success but critics question whether emotional sophistication should be viewed as a form of intelligence
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