

This is me
Nathaniel Wright
Mind Map by Nathaniel Wright, updated more than 1 year ago
Nathaniel Wright
Created by Nathaniel Wright over 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Family
    1. Wife - Andrea
      1. Eldest Daughter - Sophia
        1. Youngest Daughter - Annabelle
          1. Pets
            1. Cat - Jay
              1. Dog - Bailey
                1. Dog - Bella
                  1. Dog Walks
              2. Work
                1. QA
                  1. QUality Challenges
                    1. Innovations
                      1. Improving
                      2. People
                        1. Interactions
                          1. Relations
                            1. Gaining Respect
                            2. Coding
                              1. Java
                                1. Confluence Plugins
                                  1. Appium
                                2. Technology
                                  1. OpenSource
                                3. Hobbies
                                  1. Games
                                    1. SWGOH
                                      1. STO
                                      2. Reading
                                        1. SCI-Fi
                                        2. Movies / TV
                                          1. Childrens
                                            1. SCI-Fi
                                              1. Drama
                                                1. Comedy
                                                2. Travel
                                                  1. Duck - NC
                                                    1. Pennsylvannia
                                                      1. Mallorca
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