Good vs Evil


english macbeth
Maahirah Umar
Mind Map by Maahirah Umar, updated more than 1 year ago
Maahirah Umar
Created by Maahirah Umar almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Good vs Evil
  1. shakespear demonsrates the classic battle of good versus evil.
    1. Macbeth (good)
      1. Loyal
        1. Hard working
          1. Brave citizen of scotland
            1. Conscience
            2. Macbeth (bad)
              1. Action of killing duncan
                1. loses conscience
                  1. kills macduff family
                    1. feels nothing when wife commits suicide
                    2. Lady Macbeth (bad)
                      1. Conniving
                        1. Manipulative
                          1. Valinious
                            1. Reason why Macbeth killed Duncan
                            2. Lady Macbeth (good/insane)
                              1. Feels responsible for king Duncan death
                                1. Develop consience
                                2. Conflict
                                  1. Macduff is suspicious of Macbeth being Duncan murder
                                    1. Macbeth went against what he knew was right (morals)
                                      1. Macbeth relies on what the withches say about his future
                                      2. Plot development
                                        1. play gets more viloent and becomes disastrous for everyone
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