Unit 1


GCSE Business Studies Mind Map on Unit 1, created by Miss Maclachlan on 28/11/2016.
Miss Maclachlan
Mind Map by Miss Maclachlan, updated more than 1 year ago
Miss Maclachlan
Created by Miss Maclachlan almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Unit 1
  1. Marketing
    1. Price
      1. Price can influence customer perception of the brand
      2. Place
        1. How the product gets from the producer to the consumer
        2. Product
          1. Should have a USP
          2. Promotion
            1. Needs to be appropriate for small businesses
              1. Local newspapers
                1. Leaflets
                  1. Sales Promotions
              2. Finance
                1. Sources of finance
                  1. E,g, loan from family and friends
                    1. Bank Loan
                      1. Overdraft
                        1. Government grant
                    2. Cash Flow
                      1. NOT RELATED TO PROFIT
                        1. A forecast of cash inflows and outflows
                          1. To improve cash flow- decrease trade credit or reduce/reschedule outflows
                      2. Profit= revenue - costs
                      3. People in Business
                        1. 2 types of recruitment- internal and external
                          1. Internal- cheaper, more motivating but not as many candidates to choose from
                            1. External- more expensive but could get better skills
                          2. Starting a Business
                            1. Location- infrastructure, cost, customers etc
                              1. Franchisee- get marketing, training and advice to start business
                                1. Sole trader and partnership- unlimited liability
                                2. Operations Management
                                  1. Job production
                                    1. Bespoke, specialised, high price, high quality
                                    2. Batch production
                                      1. Produced in groups, more efficient
                                      2. Customer service
                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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