Monotheistic Religions


Monotheistic religions of Judaism and Christianity
Paul Chen
Mind Map by Paul Chen, updated more than 1 year ago
Paul Chen
Created by Paul Chen almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Monotheistic Religions
  1. Judaism
    1. Moses


      • according to the  Torah, Moses told the Hebrews that God would them to Canaan.
      1. the greatest leader of Hebrews.
        1. he led his people out of slavery in Egypt.
          1. Moses gave Judaism its fundametal laws called Ten Commandment


            • Ten Commandment are the ten laws said to be given to Moses by God and some commandments spelled out the Hebrews duties to God.
          2. Abrahm


            • According to the Torah, God told Abraham to move his family from Mesopotamia to Canna. 
            1. Father of Jews
              1. He believe in single God.


                • at the first time no one believe him because in ancient world most people worshiped in gods and godness
                1. he was the ancestor of Jews people
                2. David
                  1. first king of Jews
                    1. He established Jerusalem as a holy city.
                      1. In about 1000B.C.E


                        • according from Hebrews bible, in king David time they were having a war with a rival tribe the Philistines. 
                        1. He united two parts of Hebrews: 1. Israel 2. Judah
                      2. Solomon
                        1. David's kid
                          1. he inherit his king David after his death.
                            1. He bulit the first great temple of Jerusalem,
                          2. Chrisanity


                            • Jesus based his teachings on traditional Jewish beliefs. However, the Gospels claim he put special emphasis on love and mercy.
                            1. Paul


                              • Paul came from Tarsus, a town in present-day Turkey, and he is one of most important person in Chrisanity.
                              1. come from Tarsus, a town in present-day Turkey,
                                1. he is one of most important person in chrisanity
                                  1. he became a missionary


                                    • one day Paul was traveling to Damascus in present-day Syria. He saw a blinding light and heard the voice of Jesus, a vision that changed his life. Paul adopted the Christian faith and became a missionary.
                                    1. he spent several years to travel to other cities to spread this religion


                                      • Wherever he went, he made new converts and started new churches.
                                    2. Jesus
                                      1. born in around 6 BCE
                                        1. bible
                                          1. written by his followers gospels
                                            1. the rules of Chritian
                                              1. parable


                                                • according to the bible Jesus love to use small short paragraph to teach his followers or people, in the parable every short story has a short lesson. 
                                                1. facts of Jesus
                                                2. Mary, Josephe
                                                  1. Jesus's parent
                                                    1. Mary traveled with Jesus and gave birth to Jesus in Bethlehem.
                                                    2. Messiah


                                                      • In their sacred writings, the Jews read prophecies that one day God would send a savior to restore the glorious kingdom of David. This savior was called the Messiah, or “anointed one.”
                                                      1. John the Baptist Jesus' teacher identified Jesus as the Messiah when he was 30
                                                      2. Jesus's death
                                                        1. he killed by nailed on the cross
                                                          1. Gospels believe


                                                            • The Gospels say that three days later Jesus rose from the dead and then appeared to his disciples, an event Christians refer to as the Resurrection
                                                        2. by 300 B.C.E


                                                          •  In 313 C.E., Constantine announced the Edict of Milan in which he gave Christians the freedom to practice their religion openly. 
                                                          1. In 313 B.C.E


                                                            • In 313 C.E., Constantine announced the Edict of Milan in which he gave Christians the freedom to practice their religion openly.
                                                            1. By 380 B.C.E


                                                              • By 380, Christianity was the official religion of the Roman Empire.
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