Monotheistic Religion


You will learn about the Christianity, Judaism, Monotheism. For example you will learn about Jesus, Abraham, Paul, Moses, David and Solomon
Eason Chao
Mind Map by Eason Chao, updated more than 1 year ago
Eason Chao
Created by Eason Chao almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Monotheistic Religion
  1. Judaism
    1. Abraham


      • Abrams was born about 2,000B.C.E in the city of Ur in Mesopotamia. After Abram came to believe in the one true God. To make their covenant, according to the Torah, God gave Abram a new name, Abraham. it means the father of many
      1. Father of Hebrews
        1. Belief in one God


          • Abraham came to believe there was only one true god.  God told those people they can only believe in one god, and do not believe in  other idols.
          1. 75 years old


            • According to the torah, Abraham spoke with God when he was 75 years old. God say “Go from your country, your people and your father's household to the land I will show you.” 
            1. 99 years old


              • God spoke to Abraham, God told him “I will make a covenant between myself and you.”. It means that it Abraham obeys God, God will give Abraham many children and nations. And, many of Abraham’s children will be kings and they will receive many blessings.
              1. Abram


                • Ashram and God had a special relationship and it became the foundation of the Jewish faith. God also promised that the land of Canaan to Abraham's people. It became the promised land.
                1. The Test


                  • According to the Torah, God tested Abraham's faith and obedience many times. The last one is the hardest. During the old age, Abraham finally had a son. The Torah said that one day God tested Abraham by telling him to make sacrifice of his son. Abraham brought Isaac to a mountain to be sacrificed.
                2. Moses


                  • According to the torah, we can know how they get out of Egypt and how God give them laws and rules.
                  1. Greatest Leader of the Hebrews
                    1. Moses and Out of Egypt


                      • According to the torah, God told Moses to bring my people out of Egypt. Moses started to lead Israelites out of Egypt. However, pharaoh changed his mind. Egypt army chased after them. However, Moses raised his staff, said the Torah, and the waters of the sea parted. 
                      1. Ten Commandments


                        • After the Israelites left Egypt, they travelled through a wilderness for 40 years. During this time, God gave Moses the laws and teachings.  Moses climbed on the mountain Sinai and returned with two tablets of stone. That's the teachings and laws. 
                        1. 1250 B.C.E


                          • A large group of Abraham's descendants were living in Egypt. The Torah said that the Hebrews "increase in number and become powerful. So the pharaoh turned them into salves. But the God hear the cried of Hebrews. God told Moses "I will send you to the pharaoh , and you shall free my people.
                          1. Laws and Teaching(Ten Commandment)


                            • God told Moses some basic laws and teachings. For example "You shall have no other God before me", "You shall honor your father and mother" and "No stealing, lying and murdering" 
                          2. David
                            1. Defeat of the Philistines


                              • As king David completed
                              1. 1000 B.C.E


                                • In David's time. About 1000 B.C.E Hebrews were at a wars with a rival tribe. According to the Hebrews Bible, the Philistines promised to be Hebrew's slaves if someone could beat their warrior. David bravely stepped forward, his only weapon was a slingshot. He felled Goliath with a stone. God said, "The Hebrew kingdom will remain with him and with his children and his children's children forever."
                              2. Solomon
                                1. Built jerusalem first temple
                              3. Christianity
                                1. Birth of Jesus


                                  • No one knows exactly when Jesus was born, however after carefully study we can know Jesus was born at about 6 C.E.
                                  1. Gospel


                                    • Most of the information about Jesus is come from his Disciple(His follower). His disciple were most commoners such as laborers and fishermen.The followers' names have come down to us as Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.These writings comprise the New Testament of the Christian Bible, among them are four Gospel.
                                    1. Marry(Jesus Mother)


                                      • According to  Luke, Jesus' mother Marry, lived in a town called Nazareth. A angel came and told her, she would have a child and she should name him Jesus.  At the time, Marry was not married to Joseph. 
                                      1. Childhood


                                        • Gospel didn't say too much about Jesus' childhood. But according to Luke, at age 12, Jesus astonished the rabbis, or teachers, because of his wisdom and his knowledge of Jewish law. When Jesus was about 30, a teacher named John the Baptist identified Jesus as the Messiah.
                                      2. Death/Life of Jesus
                                        1. Life of Jesus
                                          1. Teaching


                                            • According to the Gospels, Jesus began preaching in Galilee. But the  crowds that gathered to hear him grew larger, so he start teaching in open area. Jesus based his teachings on traditional Jewish beliefs. In all the Jewish laws, he said, two were the most important. The first was, “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and all your soul.” The second was, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” One of Jesus's favorite ways of teaching was through parables, Short story with moral or religious messages.
                                          2. Death of Jesus
                                            1. Crucifixion and Resurrection


                                              • According to the Gospels, after a year or two of traveling and preaching, Jesus went to Jerusalem. Jesus say that his enemies would come together to destroy him and that he would be killed. The Gospels then tell that one of Jesus's disciples, Judas, had decided to betray him. According to the New Testament, the Romans took Jesus to a hill outside the city walls. There, they nailed him to a cross and left him to die between two other condemned men who were also crucified. A few faithful followers later removed his body and buried it in a tomb carved out of rock. The Gospels say that three days later Jesus resurrection and he tell his disciple he is son of God. He come help and now he is leaving.
                                          3. Christianity Spread
                                            1. 60C.E


                                              • By the 60s C.E., Christians were beginning to attract the notice of the Romans. However, Christians refused to worship the other Roman gods. Worse, they would not accept that the emperor was a god. Recalling Jesus's message of peace and love, many refused to serve in the army. As the number of Christians increased, many Romans viewed them as a threat to Roman order and patriotism. Eventually, the Christian religion was declared illegal.
                                              1. 300C.E


                                                • By 300 C.E., millions of Christians resided in the Roman lands of Europe, North Africa, and western Asia.
                                                1. Constantine


                                                  • In 313 C.E., Constantine which he gave Christians the freedom to practice their religion openly. Future emperors also accepted the new faith. By 380, Christianity was the official religion of the Roman Empire.
                                                2. Paul


                                                  • Paul came from Tarsus, a town in present-day Turkey. Initially, he opposed Christianity and helped to persecute Christians. 
                                                  1. The Early Convert


                                                    • The early converts to Christianity were Jews, just as Jesus and his disciples had been. One of the most important people in Christianity called Paul. In his life to spreading the teachings of Jesus.
                                                    1. Missionary


                                                      • According to the New Testament, one day he saw a blinding light and heard the voice of Jesus,that moment changed his life. He became the missionary. He spent several years visiting cities throughout the Greek-speaking world. Wherever he went, he made new converts and started new churches.Paul stressed the need to believe in Jesus as the Son of God. He taught that all people Jews and Gentile was God's children. For a time, Paul was imprisoned, or jailed, in Rome, where he continued to write letters to other Christians. Tradition says that he was beheaded by the Romans around 65 C.E.
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