Monotheistic Religions


Monotheistic religion of Judaism and Christianity
Monica  Liu
Mind Map by Monica Liu, updated more than 1 year ago
Monica  Liu
Created by Monica Liu almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Monotheistic Religions
  1. Judaism
    1. Abraham


      • Abraham is the Father of the Hebrews. He was born about 2000 B.C.E. in the city of Ur in Mesopotamia. Abraham came to believe there was only one true God. 
      1. Torah


        • The Torah says that God had visited Abraham when he was an old man. God told him, "Leave your own country and your father's house, and go to a country that I will show you." God promised to make Abraham the Father of a great nation of people. 
        1. Sacrifice


          • The Torah says that one day God tested Abraham by telling him to make a sacrifice of his son. Abraham had really follow what the God told him, he brought his son Isaac to a mountain to be sacrificed. But God is just only testing Abraham, so at last God sent an angel to stop Abraham from killing his son Isaac. 
          1. Moses


            • Moses was a great leader of the Israelites. He was live around the 1300s B.C.E. Moses went before the pharaoh, the Torah continues, and told him to free the Israelites. When the pharaoh refused, God punished Egypt with ten terrible plagues. At last the pharaoh gave in. Moses began to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.
            1. David


              • David was live around 1000 B.C.E. David was not yet a grown man, but he was outraged at Goliath's mockery of God. David's courage and faith were rewarded when he became king of the Israelites after the first king, Saul, fell in battle.David completed the defeat of the Philistines as well as other enemies. He united the Israelites into a single nation known as Israel. He create a strong central government and gave a new kingdom. 
              1. Solomon


                • After David's death, his son, Solomon, became king in about 965 B.C.E. Building the First Temple in Jerusalem was King Solomon's major achievement. Solomon built the great First Temple of Jerusalem.
            2. Christianity
              1. Jesus Christ


                • A man named Jesus lived 2,000 years ago and he was a great teacher who impacted the world. Jesus is the son of God, he teach people to do kind things and tells stories to them. 
                1. Birth


                  • Jesus was born in Bethlehem according to the New Testament. 
                  1. Teaching


                    • Jesus based his teachings on traditional Jewish beliefs.
                    1. Resurrection


                      • Jesus was nail on the cross, that is how he was dead. They put him on the cross until he was completely dead.     
                    2. Judea


                      • Judea is the birthplace of Christianity which is very important. Judea came under Roman rule in 63 B.C.E.
                      1. Paul


                        • Paul is a person that help Jesus after his death to spread out his stories and religion. But he was also been killed because they don't want him to help Jesus. 
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