Monotheistic Religions


Monotheism of Judaism and christianity
Sean  Cheng
Mind Map by Sean Cheng, updated more than 1 year ago
Sean  Cheng
Created by Sean Cheng almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Monotheistic Religions
  1. Christianity
    1. Birth place
      1. eastern end of the Mediterranean see
        1. Where Jesus was born
        2. The roman call it Judea
        3. Writing about Jesus' life
          1. Gospels
            1. Written by his followers
              1. Written 70 to 30 years after Jesus died
              2. Matthew , Mark , Luke, John
              3. Jesus' teaching
                1. His follower are called disciples
                  1. Jesus spend time with ordinary people
                2. Judaism
                  1. Abraham
                    1. The father of Hebrews
                      1. Only belief in a single god
                        1. He introduce this belief to the Hebrews
                      2. Moses
                        1. The greatest leader
                          1. Led people out of slavery in Egypt
                            1. Gave Judaism fundamental rules
                            2. David and solomon
                              1. Create a united kingdom
                                1. King David established Jerusalem as a holy city
                                  1. king solomon built Jerusalem's first temple
                                  2. Torah
                                    1. Used to understand the history of Jewish
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