Case study 4- Rural to urban migration in Brazil


Mind Map on Case study 4- Rural to urban migration in Brazil, created by bernayuzudik on 05/04/2014.
Mind Map by bernayuzudik, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bernayuzudik over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Case study 4- Rural to urban migration in Brazil
  1. Caatinga in Northesat Brazil to Sao paulo
    1. Last 25 years 20,000 people have moved to city centre
    2. push facters
      1. Low unreliable rainfall causes droughts
        1. Difficult for farmers to produce enough food.
          1. There is no piped water,electricity or sanitation
            1. Lack of schools and clinics in the area.
            2. pull facters
              1. Job in cities like Sao paulo
                1. There are better job prospects and regular work.
                  1. Better access to services and better transport links
                    1. glamorous image of the city and brights lights attract people
                    2. Possitive effects
                      1. More land is left for people who stay in the countryside
                        1. This increases food supplies and QOL
                      2. Negative effects
                        1. Farming will be difficult and left to woman,children and the elderly
                          1. The very young and very old tend to be left behind creating an imbalance in the population structure
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