Iago's manipulation


This is the effects of Iago's manipulation
William Riley
Mind Map by William Riley, updated more than 1 year ago
William Riley
Created by William Riley almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Iago's manipulation
  1. Othello: I chose a fly for Othello because he would always fall into Iago's traps and trickeries and he was Iago's main target.
      1. Othello thinks that Cassio and Desdemona are having an affair. Cassio is Othello left hand man and his best friend. Othello was manipulated so badly that Othello ordered to have his best friend killed.
      2. Desdemona: I chose a dog for Desdemona because she was one of the most loyal characters in the book. A dog also mates for life when it has found a partner.
        1. Through Iago's manipulation, Othello kills Desdemona because Iago has persuaded him that his best friend Cassio is having an affair with Desdemona.
          1. Emilia finds Desdemonas handkerchief which later leads into the ocular proof that he need. Also the handkerchief was very important to Othello as said in scene 3.4
            1. Roderigo: I chose a sheep for Rodrigo because in cartoons sheep are very guidable. Iago manages to repeadiatly to manipulate him into doing Iagos dirty work
              1. Through Iago's manipulation, he talks Cassio into drinking over his limit. He then convinces Rodrigo to provoke him into a fight. This leads into Montano getting injured by Cassio when he tried to intervene, this also Cassio's demotion. Also in scene 5.1 Roderigo attempts to kill Cassio but fails.
              2. Cassio: I chose a horse for Cassio because horses are noble, brave, faithful, strong and trustworthy. This animal fits Cassio perfectly because Cassio never meant to hurt Othello. He always stayed faithful to Othello.
                  1. Emilia: I chose a bat for Emilia because a bat is blind and Emilia is so blinded by her lover for Iago she will do tasks for Iago at the expense od her friends
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