Clinical Psychology


clinical psychlogy- diagnosis
Celeste Drouin-Davis
Mind Map by Celeste Drouin-Davis, updated more than 1 year ago
Celeste Drouin-Davis
Created by Celeste Drouin-Davis over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Clinical Psychology
  1. Diagnosis
    1. Deviance
      1. Looking for 'rare' behaviour
      2. Dysfunction
        1. Places where the illness is effecting their everyday life
        2. Distress
          1. How upset the individual is.
          2. Danger
            1. Danger to themselves and to other people
            2. Evaluation.
              1. can be interpreted by the clinician wrongly
                1. hard to make sure that the client has discussed everything
                  1. hard to define what is truely 'deviant'
                  2. Classification systems
                    1. ICD
                      1. focuses on all diseases
                        1. MHDs are classified in section F
                          1. uses Decimals to separate different types of the same disorder
                            1. Used in Europe
                            2. DSM
                              1. Only has mental health disorders
                                1. groups them into families
                                2. used in the UK and the USA
                              2. reliability and validity of diagnosis
                                1. diagnosis can be seen as unreliable as many clinicians could diagnose the same symptoms as different mental health disorders.
                                  1. can be solved by an inter-rater reliability test- where two clinician agree on the diagnosis
                                  2. patient factors
                                    1. the patient may not be honest about all their symptoms because of denial, shame or lack of memory.
                                    2. Clinician factors
                                      1. Different types of clinicians have different types of qualifications and teaching.
                                        1. can lead to different diagnosis
                                          1. can focus upon different things on the client
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