

Postgraduate MOC exam Mind Map on Diagnosis, created by chloe.fressynet on 05/05/2013.
Mind Map by chloe.fressynet, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by chloe.fressynet over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Diagnosis definition
    1. Collaborative process between organisational members and OD consultants -> collect info., analyse it, draw conclusions -> action planning & intervention
      1. specify exact nature of the problem, identify underlying causal forces, provide a basis to select effective and feasible change strat. & tech.
      2. 1. Entering process
        1. Clarify organisation issue
          1. Determine relevant client
            1. Assess climate for change
              1. Select a consultant
                1. Effective contract: clear mutual expectations, time and resources, ground rules
                  1. Interpersonnal Issues: Client (exposed, vulnerable, lose contrrol) & OD practitioner (expectations, empathy, competency, dependency...)
                  2. 2. Diagnosis Process:main steps
                    1. Agreement on the pb, causes, process to use, bring a solution
                      1. Consultant : not expert, facilitate diagnosis, system needs to learn
                        1. 1. select a conceptual model for diag.
                          1. 2.Clarify info requirements
                            1. 3. Choose best way to gather data
                              1. 4. Gather information
                                1. 5. Analysis
                                  1. 6. Interpretation
                                    1. 7. Feedback (essential: receive info & back it up, determine process)
                        2. 3. Key to effective diagnosis: knowing what to look for, recognize how the levels affect each other
                          1. 4. Diagnosis Models
                            1. Describe relationship between different features of the org°, its context and effectiveness
                              1. Areas to look, Q to ask -> assess how an org° functions
                                1. Based on Research findings and consultants' experience
                                2. Focus on: org° envt (PESTEL), internal alignment (Weisbord), internal and external alignment (SWOT Burk-Litwin)
                                  1. Open Systems Model: Inputs (info, energy, people) - Transformations (social & technological components) - Outputs (good, services, ideas) => feedback (McKinsey 7S)
                                    1. Properties of systems: boundaries, feedback, equifinality, alignment/fit
                                      1. Org° as an organic entity. This model is static but org° are not!
                                      2. Weisbord's six box model : Purpose, Structure, Rewards, Helpful Mechanisms, Relationships => leadership
                                        1. Burke-Litwin causal model of organisational performance and change; more complicated to sell, comprehensive model, don't assess leadership
                                          1. Organisation-Level: Inputs (general env., industry structure) - Design components (technology, strat., HR... -> Culture) - Outputs (Org° effectiveness)
                                          2. Some unstructured analysis
                                            1. Choosing model: relevance to issues, cause & effect relationship, most weight, highlight the right aspects
                                            2. Dangers
                                              1. confidentiality
                                                1. Over Diagnosis
                                                  1. Crisis diagnosis
                                                    1. Consultant's favourite diagnosis
                                                      1. Diagnosis of symptoms
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