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Psychodynamic Methodology
Psychology Mind Map on Psychodynamic Methodology, created by Beth Ritchie on 06/04/2014.
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Mind Map by
Beth Ritchie
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Beth Ritchie
over 10 years ago
Resource summary
Psychodynamic Methodology
Case studies
Involve one unique individual (or small group or particular programme
Gather in-depth, detailed and rich data
Gather qualitative data
Triangulation used
Pooling data from various research methods
Looking for common themes/trends
Used methods such as free association dream analysis and slips of the tongue to uncover unconscious thoughts and desires
Free assocaiation - patient lets a stream of consciousness out, analyst listens to find connections with the aim of uncovering unconscious wishes
Dream/symbol analysis - describe dream and look for meaning - manifest content is description, latent content is the underlying thoughts
Slips of the tongue - wrong word is used, revealing unconscious desires
Used psychoanalysis to help patients (analysands) to uncover repressed memories
Only way of studying particular phenomena
Produce valid data
Freud's can be used to help patients
Not replicable due to unique situation
Low generalisability
Could be subjective
Concepts aren't measurable
Ethically, confidentiality may be difficult in a case study as one individual is studied, and they could be identified
The interpretation of the analysst can push a patient towards ideas that may not be their own due to power over the analysand
There is gender bias - boys are focused on most
Undue emphasis on sexual matters - particularly where there is transference - patients having feelings for the analyst
One way of testing Freud's theories is using correlation design and self report data
Freud didn't use them himself but they can be used to test his ideas
Self-report data is where a participant provides info about themselves, through a questionnaire for example
Ratiing scales can be used for this and provide ordinal data
3 levels of measurement
1st - Nominal
Categories are recorded such as 'yes/no'
2nd - Ordinal
Ranked data, such as rating scales
3rd - Interval/ratio
Real measurement such as time
They involve the same participant providing data for 2 measures
They have 2 variables both of which are measured
Its not a difference between the variables but a relationship between them that is looked for
A correlationis a relationship between 2 variables measured on a scale where both measures come from one individual
A positive correlation is where a rise in one variable causes a rise in the other variable
A negative correlation is where a rise in one variable causes a fall in the other variable
Spearmans rho
Inferential statistical test
Judge whether there is a correlation
Can be carried out if:
You're testing a relationship between 2 scores
The level of measurement is ordinal/ratio data
Correlation design used
Perfect + correlation - +1, perfect negative, -1, none, 0
Little manipulation of variables, few controls needed
Show possibly unexpected relationships and can therefore be used to point to new areas for research
No guarentee the relationship isnt due to chance
Tend to lack validity as at least one of the variables often has to be operationalised making it unnatural
Longitudinal studies are those that follow one set of participants over time
Useful for looking at developmental trends
Same participants mean that participant variables wont lead to bias
Difficult to keep all participants for each of the measures and people can drop out
This can lead to bias if it excludes certain people, such as those who are shy
Researchers themselves may change over time
Cross sectional studies are seen as the opposite to longitudinal
They are measures taken at one moment in time
A cross section of the population is chosen and those people's results on some measurement are compared
Gather immediate results so are easy to carry out, as well as being cheaper
More ethical than longitudinal as measurements are only taken once instead of imposing on participants long term
Different participants used so participant variables can take place
Many uncontrollable variables
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