Financial Ratios


Financial Accounting Mind Map on Financial Ratios, created by Сергей Вологжанин on 15/12/2016.
Сергей Вологжанин
Mind Map by Сергей Вологжанин, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Liz Barraclough
Created by Liz Barraclough about 10 years ago
Сергей Вологжанин
Copied by Сергей Вологжанин about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Financial Ratios
  1. Profitability
    1. Return on Capital Employed
      1. Return on Shareholders funds
        1. Gross Profit Percentage
          1. Expense/Revenue Percentage
            1. Operating Profit Percentage
            2. Financial Position
              1. Gearing
                1. Interest Cover
                2. Liquidity
                  1. Current Ratio
                    1. Acid Test or Quick ratio
                    2. Use of Resources
                      1. Inventory Turnover
                        1. Inventory Holding Period
                          1. Trade Receivables Collection Period
                            1. Trade Payables payment period
                              1. Asset Turnover
                                1. Revenue/Net Assets
                                  1. Revenue/Total Assets
                                  2. Working Capital Cycle
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