The Present Tense


The regular formation of present tense verb endings
Dawn  S_akura
Mind Map by Dawn S_akura, updated more than 1 year ago
Dawn  S_akura
Created by Dawn S_akura about 8 years ago

Resource summary

The Present Tense
  1. ER -verb endings
    1. Je
      1. Tu
        1. Nous
          1. Vous
            1. Ils / Elles
          2. Subject
            1. Il/Elle/On
          3. e
            1. es
              1. ons
                1. ez
                  1. ent
                2. e
            2. Describes the "now" : am / is / are
              1. Regulars
                1. IR -verb endings
                  1. Je
                    1. Tu
                      1. Il/elle/On
                        1. Nous
                          1. Vous
                            1. Ils/Elles
                              1. issent
                              2. issez
                              3. issons
                              4. t
                              5. s
                              6. s
                            2. RE -verb endings
                              1. Je
                                1. Tu
                                  1. Il/Elle/On
                                    1. Nous
                                      1. Vous
                                        1. Ils/Elles
                                          1. ont
                                          2. ez
                                          3. ons
                                          4. -
                                          5. s
                                          6. s
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