Magnets and electromagnetism


Part 1
Catherine Boland
Mind Map by Catherine Boland , updated more than 1 year ago
Catherine Boland
Created by Catherine Boland almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Magnets and electromagnetism
  1. Magnets
    1. Have magnetic fields
      1. Have 2 poles- north and south
        1. Have magnetic field lines
          1. Iron shavings test or compass test
          2. Affect other magnets and magnetic materials
            1. Iron nickel and cobalt
            2. Hard to turn a magnet on and off
              1. Electromagnet
                1. Electric current produces magnetic field around it
                  1. Bigger the electric current the stronger the magnetic field
                2. A solenoid is an electric magnet
                  1. Solenoid= coil of wire
                    1. Strong and uniform
                      1. Outside a solenoid, the field is like one on a bar magnet
                        1. The ends of the solenoid act like north and south poles
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