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Day 2.5 - Map - Worth


Another useful activity
Helder Cortez
Mind Map by Helder Cortez, updated more than 1 year ago
Helder Cortez
Created by Helder Cortez about 8 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Day 2.5 - Map - Worth
  1. the 'value' of something in money
    1. - My house is worth 500 thousand reais.
      1. - A Ferrari is worth a fortune!
      2. not a waste of time/money
        1. - Buenos Aires is really worth a visit.
          1. - This movie is not worth watching!
            1. to be worth it!
              1. - She is the woman of my life! She is totally worth it!
            2. not worth the paper it's printed on
              1. something that is not reliable or has no value (principally a document)
                1. - This contract is not worth the paper it's printed on!
              2. worthwhile (or worth while)
                1. useful
                  1. - I think the meeting was really worthwhile.
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