Good Friday


English (Good Friday) Mind Map on Good Friday, created by catrinamitchell1 on 07/04/2014.
Mind Map by catrinamitchell1, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by catrinamitchell1 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Good Friday


  • Christians believe Jesus, also known as Christ, was the son of God. In fact God choosing to live on earth in human form. He lived a perfectly good life, taught people, performed miricles and finally died at the hands of man. Christians believe that Christ's death has the power to save everybody from their sins, for all the wrong things they have done in their life. Those who believe in Jesus and put their faith in him are accepted by God and their sins are forgiven
  1. The opening paragraph makes the poem seem very realistic
    1. "Three o'clock"
      1. "Bath Street"
        1. Set in Glasgow, like trio
          1. Present tense
            1. Seems like the whole thing is unfolding infront of us
            2. Direct speech
              1. Glasgow dialect
              2. "get some easter eggs for the kiddies"
                1. Shows kindness and affection
                2. "I don't say it's right"
                  1. He does not want us to judge or condemn his drinking
                  2. Repetition of word like "understand" and "ye see"
                    1. Shows that the man wants to be taken seriously, he is trying to communicate, he wants to be understood and accepted. He does not want to be judged
                    2. "I'm no boring you, eh?"
                      1. Shows that he needs to be accepted
                      2. "breaks violently"
                        1. "lunges"
                          1. "swings"
                            1. These verbs all tell us about very active and expressive movement
                              1. Brings the scene to life
                            2. About a religious celebration (like trio)
                              1. Free verse to reflect to mans speech
                                1. Helps the reader relate to the life of the man (like in the snack bar)
                                  1. No imagary
                                    1. Main theme
                                      1. Understand the dude??
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