X- Computer can hold about 8Gb- 16Gb in RAM
whereas humans can only hold about 7 items
in working memory
X- Human has to regularly retrieve info from
long-term memory making processing much
slower than computers.
This model only considers auditory
and visual inputs and stores
Longterm memory -
Secondary storage
O- Both are non-volatile - Information is kept even after
computer is turned off/person goes to sleep.
X- Computers have no difficulty storing or
retrieving information from secondary storage
X- However, humans have to go over and memorise
information a lot to store it in long-term memory and have to
practice retrieving it from long term memory
Perceptual processor receives data from
sences and sends it to the working memory.
At first input it is remains in the form of
data and is percieved but not recognised
User may display initial reaction or a reflex.
This can be based of like or dislike
Cognitive processors
(thinking) - CPU
Cognitive processor- Retrieves data for auditory or image stores
=> recognises it using information from longterm memory, =>
sends instruction to motor processor
The amount of time needed to do this relates to ATTENTION
CPU- Fetch data from RAM and executes instruction
Motor processor (talking,
typing, moving) - Output
Motor processor- executes instructions by telling
body parts how to act and moving muscles
User will take time to react
Output device has their own processors e.g. printers
Perception processor time- Receiving data - (50-200ms)
Cognitive processor time- recognise and retrieve
information and make a decision- (25-170ms)
Motor processor time- Acting out decision- (30-100ms)