Radioactive by imagine dragons


Media and Journalism Mind Map on Radioactive by imagine dragons, created by Megan Lunn on 07/01/2017.
Megan Lunn
Mind Map by Megan Lunn, updated more than 1 year ago
Megan Lunn
Created by Megan Lunn over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Radioactive by imagine dragons
  1. Mise-en-scene
    1. Dark low key lighting
      1. Sets the mood for the video.
        1. it fits well with the type of song
        2. Settings
          1. at the start of the video there is a nartural setting
            1. Makes it seem disurted and fits in with the lyrics of the song
              1. the leaves on the road makes it seem like there has been an apocalypse
            2. Dungeon
              1. there is a break up of the naure scenes with scenes of a dungeon.
                1. This gives a contrasting effect on the audience asd the peacful nature scenes are broken with the imags of a dark dungeon
                  1. this also suggests to the audience that the woman is walking to that setting
                2. the fight club
                  1. it again is a contrast from where the woman has came from which was a natural stting which is very green.
                    1. it is very dark and dirty this fits in very well with the apoclypic theme.
                  2. costumes
                    1. the woman that is introduced first is wearing dark clothing
                      1. This fits with the theme of the video.
                      2. In the fight club they are wearing dark clothes with hats, which makes them seem dark, and even disreputable.
                        1. the boss of the fight club is wearing wa white jacket but with a dark shirt on.
                          1. This makes him stand out from the rest of the crowd but also shows his true nature.
                          2. the band is also wearing dark coloured costomes to fit in with the dungeon setting, as it is dark and depressing
                          3. Props
                            1. Instruments
                              1. They are covered in a layer of dirt and dust, which suggest that they have been down in the dungon a long time.
                                1. It also gives thier band the image of being pop artists as they are palying instruments.
                              2. the cage
                                1. At the start of the video the audience is introduced to a cage that is covered by a dirty blanket.
                                  1. this introduces a mystrey to the video and makes the audience wonder what is under the blanket.
                                    1. the dirty blanket again fits in well with the theme of the video, as the rest of the video has a grimmy feel to it as it is after an apocalypse.
                                  2. The monsters
                                    1. They are the fighters are pupets which givers the video a slight change from others and a supernatural element.
                                      1. they have used them instead of people, and it shows thaat it is in a differnt world.
                                      2. the womans mosnster is a pink teddy bear which is quite feminin
                                        1. Due to it being pink it is underestimated and the audience think it will lose. however it doesn't.
                                      3. the thrown
                                        1. When the boss is introduced he is sittting on a chiar that is above the rest of the other people and no one else is sitting down.
                                          1. this not only estabishses his importance but shows that he is above the rest of the people there.
                                      4. Blocking
                                        1. In a lot of sceens there is other things in front of the camera.
                                          1. this makes it less focused and fits in well with the fight club setting.
                                      5. About the song
                                        1. it is an electronic rock, alternative rock with elements of dubstep.
                                          1. The music video came out on the 10 December 2010
                                            1. The lyrics speak about an apocalypse and an revolution. This again ties in with the music video.
                                              1. the video is narrative and has a performance elements in it with the band singing and them playing instruments.
                                              2. Camera work
                                                1. there is an establishing shot which introduces the woman and the cage.
                                                  1. It then follows her and it then becomes a tracking shot of the woman. for the next few scenes.
                                                  2. There is then also a mid shot of the woman that then comes into focus, this is also the first time you see her face.
                                                    1. this introduces the character. who before this scene had only seen a long distance shot of before.
                                                    2. There is a shot of the outbuilding and then a close shot of the woman's eyes looking around
                                                      1. this shows where she is and that she is anxious as she is looking around.
                                                      2. most of the shots are hand held and they move the camera around
                                                        1. this fits in with the theme of the video as it is very cayotic
                                                        2. there is lots of mid shots of the band singing and playing instruments, which shows of their talents.
                                                          1. pans and tilts
                                                            1. this video uses a lot of them as they introduce charactres like the evil boss.
                                                            2. there is close ups when the puppets are fighting.
                                                              1. this shows the violence and it is unexpected because they are teddy bears.
                                                              2. Towards the end of the video there is lots of close-ups of the men shocked at the pink bear winning.
                                                                1. These are really good at showing the charters emotions, to help get arcross to the audience how the charters are feeling
                                                              3. Editing
                                                                1. parallel editing
                                                                  1. this is right at the beginning of the video as there is cuts between the shots of nature and the scenes of the dungeon
                                                                    1. These are quite contadiction as one has high key lighting and the other one is dark low key lighting .
                                                                    2. this also happens throughout the video as they constantly go back and forth between the fighting club and the dungeon where the band is singing.
                                                                      1. this links the two scenes together and shows that they are related.
                                                                    3. eye line matches
                                                                      1. throughout the video there is a few eye line matches, like when there is a close up of the womans eyes and then the camera shows that she was looking at the teddy bear.
                                                                        1. this shows the audience exactly what she is looking at and this gets the audience more involved with the video.
                                                                      2. CGI
                                                                        1. This is used when the pink puppet uses it powers to kill the big purple monster.
                                                                        2. filters
                                                                          1. At the beginning of the video there is a filter over the scenes with the woman to make it seem darker and to fit the mood of the video better.
                                                                        3. What i would use in our video
                                                                          1. I like how they uses a pan or tilt to introduce a charater.
                                                                            1. I also like the narrative of the video as its is different from other videos as it is unusual, and creative
                                                                            2. sound
                                                                              1. There is a lot of sound in this video as the soundtrack cuts in and out of the video.
                                                                                1. this means that there is deigetic sound in the video
                                                                                  1. this makes the audience feel like the events are actully happening.
                                                                                  2. The song is synchronized to the mood of the video.
                                                                                    1. There is also images at the right time to go with the sound, like when there is a drum sound there is an image of one of the band hiting a drum
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