

Leases theory
Faizal Ido
Mind Map by Faizal Ido, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
meyer cohn
Created by meyer cohn over 9 years ago
Faizal Ido
Copied by Faizal Ido almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Classification
    1. Operating
      1. Leases not classified as finance
        1. Accounting / Recognition
          1. Straight-line basis for both parties
        2. Finance
          1. Accounting / Recognition
            1. Lessor
              1. 1. Derecogn. asset; 2. Recogn. receivable = Net investment (GI (Min. lease pmts + unguarunteed RV) discounted @ interest implicit in lease); 3. Initial direct cost incl. in NI; 4. Recogn. finance income as per effective interest rate method; 5. Lease PMTS against GI
                1. Remember manufacturer/dealer lessors
                2. Lessee
                  1. 1. At inception of lease term recogn. an asset & liability at LOWER of: -FV of leased asset;-PV of min. lease pmts; 2. Apportion pmts between finance cost & capital; 3. Initial direct cost incl. in CA of asset; 4. Deprec. asset over shortest of lease term/econimic life
                3. Possible indicators: 1. Ownership transferred at end of lease; 2. Option to purchase; 3. PV of min. lease pmts =/< FV of asset; 4. Specialised asset;
              2. Interest rate (Implicit rate) : PV = Fair value of leased (Incl. Direct cost) asset ; PMT = Installment; FV = GRV +URV ; N = Lease term ;CompI= IIR
                1. Calc. PV of min. lease pmts: PMT = Installment; FV = GRV(Only); N = term; i = IIR; CompPV=
                  1. Example journal (Excl. VAT or funnies)
                    1. Deferred tax
                      1. Sale & leaseback transaction
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